Articles for Guest Columns

Price Wars Have No Winners

Foreseeing the financial crisis that might become a reality due to the price wars, Anil Bhandari, Chairman, AB Smart Concepts shares his opinion on how to deal with the current situation.

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The World of Food After Corona

Highlighting the future of food and beverage industry, celebrity chef Ranveer Brar writes about his learnings from the past year and the way ahead.

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Looking Back on 2020 and Forward to 2021

Replaying the last year, Mandeep S Lamba, President (South Asia), HVS Anarock, pens down the key highlights of the year gone by and the roadmap for times ahead.

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DOMESTIC TRAVEL....Is it not the Panacea we are looking for?

Speaking about shape of the domestic travel market in next couple of years, Timmy Kandhari Founder & MD, Sapphire professional Services Pvt Ltd predicts that it is headed for a 'massive change.'

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Foreign investments reviving the adversely affected Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Highlighting the importance of hospitality, travel and tourism sectors, Vishal Yadav, CEO & Founder of FDI India, pens down his thoughts on the revival and survival of the industries.

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Abode of Calm on the Banks of the Ganga

Ganga Kinare is a picturesque, quaint, warm, boutique hotel that has played host to many a celebrity over the years and yet retains an aura of homeliness and tranquility that is in sync with the spiritual environment of Rishikesh.

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Quality Assurance Issues in Food Delivering Operations

Commenting on the current status of model of food delivery, Kamal Kant Pant, Principal & Secretary, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi suggests that the industry must resort to self regulation immediately.

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Finding Local Solutions for India’s hunger

Highlighting the need to increase nutrition levels in marginalised households, Niranjan Khatri, Founder of iSambhav, talks about Bank of Nutrition, an initiative by iSambhav envisions a working solution for those who are living on the margins in the most vulnerable circumstances.

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Sustainable tourism necessity for survival

Highlighting the need to develop a sustainable tourism and travel Anil Bhandari, Chairman, AB Smart Concepts encourages all to adopt certain habits for the preservation of natural resources, culture and heritage.

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Career opportunities in hotels and tips during Covid-19 pandemic

Veer Vijay Singh, CEO & MD, Trance Hotels shares tips for existing and aspirant hoteliers to use the time and energy judiciously during COVID-19 pandemic.

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