Has the Pandemic changed Tourism?

Just when the tourism industry had seen 'a ray of hope' in the beginning of the new year the pandemic has come back with greater fury. Things are, so to say, back to square one. However even in this unfolding gloom there is optimism—that with the coverage of most of the population with vaccination and with higher herd immunity the pandemic will settle down in a few months and tourism can be revived.

With that optimism it is now time to carefully plan the revival. Will it be business as usual for tourism or have things changed? Certainly, the numbers have changed. So has attitudes and preferences of consumers. While the numbers can be built again, it would be prudent to take note of the changes that are discernible.

As for numbers, COVID-19 has brought tourism to a complete standstill. International tourism is back to the levels of what was 30 years ago. Effects of tourism spread across many activities creating what is called 'ripple effects' throughout the economy. That total impact has not yet been assessed. But UN- WTO (World Tourism Organization) points out what is at stake—100-120 m direct jobs, loss of up to $1.2trillion in international visitors spending and loss of $2 trillion of global GDP. 

UNWTO has indicated some of the broad changes in trends which are likely to be more established in the future. Health & Safety measures and cancellation policies are consumers' main concerns. From such concerns emerge their primary preferences for sustainability, authenticity and ‘localhood’.  Travellers are giving more importance to creating a positive impact on local communities, increasingly looking for authenticity. Nature, Rural Tourism and Road Trips have emerged as popular travel choices due to renewed interest in sustainability, travel limitations and the quest for open-air, off the beaten track experiences. Travellers are also aware of their responsibility and expect similar awareness from the host communities. Domestic tourism has shown positive signs in many markets since people tend to travel closer. Travellers go for 'staycations' or vacations close to home. Because of concern for health and safety travel recovery has been stronger among younger segments. 'Mature' travellers and retirees are likely to be the most impacted segments in the future.

In 2015 when the world adopted the SDG—a 2030 agenda for a transformation world, tourism was mentioned only in  Goals 8, 12 and 14 but it was seen that tourism could contribute directly or indirectly to all the goals. It is felt that the pandemic may seriously compromise the achievements of the goals, but it also provides an opportunity to reemphasize the overarching need for sustainability to save the only planet we have. As UNWTO says Covid 19 “is a watershed moment to align the effort of sustaining livelihoods dependent on tourism to SDG and ensure a more resilient, inclusive, carbon neutral and resource efficient future”.

No wonder that recently UNWTO made the Tbilishi declaration affirming commitment to work towards a sustainable recovery of tourism.   It defined that future plans and policies should put people first, allowing tourism to restart safely, accelerate economic recovery and provide hope for millions of people.

In India, there is no doubt that the first push for revival of tourism will come from domestic tourism. Even during the brief lull in the pandemic when travel and movement restrictions were eased, the pent-up demand had filled up resorts and destinations near metropolitan cities. India has huge tourism attractions of very wide variety—nature, wildlife, mythology, history, culture, heritage. Even when tourism has been absent, Ministry of Tourism has kept the campaign for domestic tourism – 'Dekho Apna Desh' - in full swing. To make domestic tourism an engine of inclusive growth lot of efforts have to go into creating suitable infrastructure like communication facilities to make travel easy and affordable, accommodation that caters to health and hygiene standards, imaginative wayside facilities and sustainable destination development. If the local community has to benefit economically, local craft, cuisine, culture have to be integrated to destination development. To create a good experience, authentic and effective story telling is also essential. Trained local guides can fill up this gap.  It is heartening to note that the draft Tourism Policy of the government has put professional destination management with the involvement of the local community as a priority area. 

Responsible tourism that caters to creating a sustainable experience and safe hygienic destinations is possible when the responsibility is shared by all the stakeholders—government, local community, tourists and service providers in the private sector --- in partnership. Such responsibility brings in some elements of accountability. In  August 2014, Ministry of Tourism had launched the Comprehensive Sustainable Tourism Criteria for India (STCI) for Accommodation, Tour Operators and Beaches, Backwaters, Lakes & Rivers sectors. It is necessary to review these criteria in the context changing situation and to devise ways for their proper implementation.

The only thing that can be said with certainty about the future is that nothing can be said with certainty. Recovery outlook, according to UNWTO remains cautious. Its panel of experts expect revival to happen only in 2022 at the earliest. 43% of experts expect return to the level of 2019 by 2023 while 41 % believe it will be only in 2024 or later.

“When the sea is rough, the wise fisherman mends his nets” so goes a saying in the fishing community in the coastal areas. There is much wisdom in this common sense.


MP Bezbaruah

Guest Author The author is Secretary General of Hotel Association of India.

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