
Jai Dhar Gupta


Jai Dhar Gupta is the Founder of Nirvana Being, who is also an Environmentalist, Activist, Expert and an Entrepreneur.

Latest Articles By Jai Dhar Gupta

Is it Time to Change Our Default Setting?

Children as a group are the most susceptible to harmful pollutants in our air. As our fuels have gotten smarter, so have the emissions – I call them ‘smart pollutants.’ They are so small that they escape the natural filters of the body and penetrate deep into the lungs, and then the bloodstream.

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Is it Time to Change Our Default Setting?

The quality of our essentials – air, water and food – is threatened. We already carry tags of being the Nation with the worst air quality and lately even the distinction of the worst Nation on account of Women’s Safety.

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