Is it Time to Change Our Default Setting?

If the Government does not exercise its coercive powers, citizens will suffer. Government in China has done an amazing job of balancing a development agenda with an environmental one – which is focused on improving the overall quality of life of citizens. I mention China, since it’s closest to India, in make-up.

We are too busy with our vote bank agenda where the primary conversations are around religion, caste and subsidies at the Center, and the Delhi Government, I don’t even want to get started there.

Actually, I see this as a political opportunity – a party that puts forth a pro-development agenda, with a Green tinge that will focus on a more managed approach with Health, Environment and Safety at the Center.

The quality of our essentials – air, water and food – is threatened. We already carry tags of being the Nation with the worst air quality and lately even the distinction of the worst Nation on account of Women’s Safety.

So, how do we reverse/fix these problems – one threatens health and life and the other forces one to live in fear – the essentials for happiness and quality of life.

I believe that we need to tackle these issues at the source – the least common denominator – our problems step from our rapid urbanisation. The youth from our villages have grown up with oppression, abuse, lack of education, child marriage, lack of livelihood, and more. They look at moving to the big Cities as really the only way out, for the opportunity, jobs, a fresh start.

This very rapid urbanisation is creating a further stress on the environment and infrastructure of our Cities that are already bursting at the seams. These youngsters move to the Cities, away from their families, which creates a lot of stress and frustration. It creates an identity crisis and the moral boundaries break down – hence the rise of all the crime, women and child safety problems.

We are very reactive as a Nation – whether it’s the Environment or Safety, we are always behind the ball. It’s time get to the root of the problem and create the framework to stem further degradation. Be sure, it’s going to get a lot worse before our actions make things better.

Frankly, I don’t see any other option……do you??


Jai Dhar Gupta

Guest Author Jai Dhar Gupta is the Founder of Nirvana Being, who is also an Environmentalist, Activist, Expert and an Entrepreneur.

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