Survey exposes mustard oil brands' silence on pungency levels

In a groundbreaking revelation, an independent survey, 'Jhaanjh Ki Jaanch,' conducted by NFX Digital across major mustard oil markets in North and East India, exposes a shocking information gap among consumers regarding the pungency levels in their mustard oil, the primary characteristic of this culinary staple. Astonishingly, 85 per cent of respondents were found to be oblivious to this crucial aspect of mustard oil, despite its regular inclusion in their culinary pursuits. 

The survey aimed to gain insights into consumer awareness, perceptions, and preferences regarding mustard oil pungency levels, revealing that 75 per cent of users expressed a keen interest in knowing the pungency level of their regular mustard oil. Additionally, the survey revealed that 91 per cent of users are 'very likely' to try a mustard oil brand that provides clear information regarding its pungency level on the packaging, demonstrating a strong desire for transparency in making informed purchasing decisions.

In response to these findings, Emami Agrotech Ltd, assures that 'Emami Healthy & Tasty Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil' features three distinct pungency levels: mild (Jhaanjh level:.24 .24 per cent), strong (Jhaanjh level:.30 per cent), and super strong (Jhaanjh level:.36 per cent). This innovative concept allows consumers to tailor their mustard oil choice to their individual taste preferences, marking the first time any edible oil brand has offered such information on their packaging.  

Debasis Bhattacharyya, President, Marketing at Emami Agrotech Ltd., emphasised the commitment to transparency and honesty, stating, "The 'Jhaanjh Ki Jaanch Survey' presented the right opportunity to honour our consumers and empower them with a 'right to know,' so they can make informed choices about their preference for mustard oil." He hopes that 'Emami Healthy & Tasty Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil' will offer consumers the freedom to choose their preferred pungency levels.   

Chef Pankaj Bhadouria, India's first masterchef, lauded Emami Agrotech for being the first mover to display pungency levels on their packs, bringing much-needed transparency for buyers. She emphasised the vital role mustard oil plays in the rich culinary traditions of northern and eastern India. 


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