Articles for Guest Columns

The Curious Case of Working Capital: The Challenge of Managing Inflows and Outflows

Like most small and medium businesses in India, restaurants operate on a forward supply chain: they provide services up front, with dues getting cleared later.

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It was my second time hosting the Smart hotels conclave.I took to stage and the first thing I stated was how success is not an accident, it is a combination, a recipe created with various ingredients.

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Marketing Beyond Millennials: How to Attract and Engage Gen Z and Beyond

Many people who belong to Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2012, are now in their twenties and have grown up not really knowing a world without computers, smartphones or anything to do with the online world.

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The Essentials To Hosting India’s Most Iconic Events

Hosting an event is a very intricate procedure, akin to painting a masterpiece or composing a great symphony. There’s a lot that can go wrong, and the final product is a mirage that people see, without the faintest hint of the processes that conceptualized it, put it together, and help keep it running from behind the scenes.

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Make Business Travel Stress-Free

According to market reports, India is the world’s tenth largest business travel market and might record the highest growth in this segment in the next five years.

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Safety First, Customer-Centric Growth is Way Forward for Indian Hospitality Sector

AuthBridge data for 2017 tells us that over 15% of job applicants were found lying about their past employers, educational qualification and the reason for leaving their previous place of employment; and the trend is common across industries including hospitality.

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Why Marketing to Non-Linear Generation Is Different

According to a study, 72% of millennials prefer to spend their money on experiences than on material things.

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Is it Time to Change Our Default Setting?

Children as a group are the most susceptible to harmful pollutants in our air. As our fuels have gotten smarter, so have the emissions – I call them ‘smart pollutants.’ They are so small that they escape the natural filters of the body and penetrate deep into the lungs, and then the bloodstream.

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Luxury Hotels Asset Management - Keeping The Rolls Royce Rolling

New-age technology and data-driven concepts have significantly influenced asset management in the hotel sector today. Luxury hotel guests expect an international experience wherever they go and country-specific limitations are not accepted.

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Is it Time to Change Our Default Setting?

The quality of our essentials – air, water and food – is threatened. We already carry tags of being the Nation with the worst air quality and lately even the distinction of the worst Nation on account of Women’s Safety.

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