
Pranjal Prashar


Pranjal Prashar is Founder of PIQUOR Technologies and CEO and founder of RepUp. A qualified engineer and an MBA he has a dual degree in IT and Management from IIIT Gwalior. Prior to his entrepreneurial venture, Prashar gathered experience in the information security domain with AUJAS, a niche consulting firm. At, 30 years of age Prashar's CEM Company is already clocking a growth rate of 600% annually. Prashar wants to scale REPUP globally. He is looking to bring 10,000 hotels onboard REPUP.

Latest Articles By Pranjal Prashar

How Technology has Shaped the Hospitality Sector in 2019

Legacy technologies have started to give way to new and innovative technologies that will help the hospitality industry exceed guest expectations.

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5 Trends to Watch Out for in 2017

The direct contribution of tourism and hospitality to GDP is expected to grow at 7.5% p.a. and cumulative FDI inflows are pegged at USD 12.7 billion. Standing out as a fast growing, young nation in a world grappling with recession and ageing population, India definitely has that advantage.

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Don’t Let Bad Reviews Ruin Your Business

One negative customer tweet gets shared in fraction of seconds. One bad review on the website can be taken more seriously than hundred other good reviews. If online marketing is the need of the hour, Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a necessity to survive.

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