UNWTO promotes 'Brand Africa' to open investment opportunities

It aspires to position the continent as a top destination for tourism and investment

To boost tourism investment in the region, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has launched a new initiative, Brand Africa. This programme aims to reshape Africa's image, highlighting its cultural heritage, natural beauty and economic potential. By promoting this brand, UNWTO seeks to attract global investors and tourists to explore and engage with the continent’s unique offerings.

The brand's initiative was unveiled during a conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, attended by key stakeholders, including government officials, tourism experts, and private sector representatives. The event underscored the importance of tourism as a driver of sustainable development and economic growth in Africa. The campaign will focus on enhancing the continent's tourism infrastructure, improving connectivity, and promoting sustainable practices. By showcasing Africa's iconic landmarks, vibrant cities, and pristine landscapes, the initiative aims to attract high-value tourists and investors. Additionally, the campaign will leverage digital platforms and storytelling to create a positive and authentic narrative about Africa.

As part of the initiative, UNWTO plans to conduct workshops and training programmes to build the capacity of tourism stakeholders in Africa. These efforts aim to equip local communities with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the global tourism market. The organisation will also work closely with African governments to develop policies that foster a conducive environment for tourism growth.

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