The art of housekeeping: 36 years of Pride and excellence

As we commemorate the 36th anniversary of Pride Hotels and Resorts, I find myself deep reflection on the remarkable journey we've undertaken — a journey steeped in the essence of genuine Indian hospitality. I take immense pride in acknowledging that that housekeeping has been an indispensable part of this success story. From our esteemed Chairman & Managing Director, Mr SP Jain to our dedicated CEO, Mr Satyen Jain and our astute Executive Vice President, Mr Atul Upadhyay, every member in our leadership team recognises the relentless dedication and hard work invested by our housekeeping staff in maintaining and enhancing the allure of our properties.

Housekeeping in the age of awareness

The spotlight on cleanliness and hygiene has never shone brighter. Today's guests are as vigilant as we are, demonstrating a keen interest in understanding how we meticulously manage every aspect, from sanitising elevator buttons to cleaning TV remotes. In my role as the Corporate Executive Housekeeper, I can assure you that our focus for 2023 transcends traditional cleaning; it involves an intensified approach to sanitising high-frequency touch points. We have escalated supervisory checks to ensure that no corner is left unattended. Furthermore, sustainability has taken centrestage in our operations. We are progressively eliminating plastic, adopting water-conserving cleaning agents, and transitioning to enzyme-based laundry detergents. Our shift towards digitalising daily and monthly reports also contributes to the conservation of paper. 

Navigating a sea of innovations

In my role, I frequently liaise with various industry vendors, exploring the latest in cleaning solutions, waste management, and beyond. This proactive engagement helps us stay ahead of the curve. My participation in Housekeeping Conclaves and national hotel product exhibitions further empowers me to understand, evaluate, and adopt cutting-edge technologies and practices.

Strategic interventions for ensuring quality

We've implemented a comprehensive 365-day deep cleaning schedule, established precise procedures for every cleaning task, and instituted weekly training sessions to elevate the skills of our housekeeping staff. I personally oversee these processes and conduct weekly audits alongside the hotel GM to ensure compliance and efficacy. I also make it a point to visit a minimum of three hotels every month to assess cleanliness standards and adherence to our stringent brand guidelines.

Housekeeping goals: Shaping the future

Training and skill development hold a special place in my heart. Through our "Dream MT & HOT Programme," we aim to nurture the next generation of operational talents. Our Learning and Development team further supports us with the “Flair & Care – Guest Satisfaction Programme,” ensuring we cultivate a cadre of highly skilled Executive Housekeepers for the future. 

The G20 Summit: Revolutionising housekeeping and beautification

Sustainability and technological advancements emerge as the two megatrends shaping our industry. We have already taken significant strides in both directions, from reducing plastic usage and adopting recycled paper to the integration of digital checklists and reports. Our collaboration with vendors for more efficient cleaning equipment also lies on the horizon.

As India prepares to host the G20 Summit, welcoming world leaders to our great nation, the role of housekeeping and property beautification at Pride Hotels takes on an unprecedented level of significance. This prestigious event has catalysed a revolution in our operational standards, inspiring us to redefine luxury, cleanliness, and guest experience. We've embraced specialised training modules, invested in state-of-the-art cleaning technologies, and revitalised our aesthetic elements to ensure our properties stand as a testament to Indian hospitality on the global stage. The world's eyes will be upon us, and we are committed to exceeding expectations, not merely meeting them. This is not just an opportunity; it is a responsibility that we, as part of the Pride Hotels' housekeeping division, are honored to shoulder. The G20 Summit will be a momentous occasion for our country, and we are determined to make it equally significant for the evolution of housekeeping and hospitality standards across India.

In conclusion: A culture of positivity and excellence

In our industry, your attitude defines your altitude. The appreciation we receive from our guests, whether through reviews or personal letters, is an indescribable morale booster. And of course, a nod of approval from the leadership team is always the icing on the cake. 

Here's too many more years of unswerving commitment to excellence in hospitality!

Celebrating International Housekeeping Week: A salute to the unsung heroes

As we approach International Housekeeping Week from September 10-16, 2023, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all the dedicated team members of Pride Hotels' housekeeping division, as well as our industry peers. This week serves as a tribute to the hard work, diligence, and unwavering commitment you display every single day. Your tireless efforts do not merely maintain standards; they elevate them, creating experiences that our guests cherish. This is a moment to celebrate you, the real heroes who make our hotels shine brightly.

AUTHOR BIO: Abhaya A. Bhalekar is Corporate Executive Housekeeper, Pride Hotels Group 


Abhaya A. Bhalekar

Guest Author Corporate Executive Housekeeper, Pride Hotels Group

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