Sustainability becoming central to industry’s success

THE MOVEMENT of sustainability has been one of the most influential and transformative initiative of our times. It underscores our collective commitment to fostering inclusivity and environmental responsibility for a better future, including the significant part played by the hospitality industry in galvanising it in India as well as across the world. 

While the growth of travel and tourism industry has a multiplicative impact on both, economic development and employment, it also leaves a huge environmental footprint. It is essential today to ensure that going forward the industry’s growth is sustainable and inclusive, and that it contributes positively to communities, natural ecosystems, and the cultural heritage upon which it depends. 

The hospitality sector’s success now more than ever before hinges on the commitment to upholding global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. This encompasses responsible business practices, sustainable tourism, diversity and inclusion, waste management, and good governance.

The shift is driven by the fact that the sector has been found to be responsible for 1-2 per cent of global carbon emissions, a figure expected to rise. It has thus become imperative for this industry to reduce emissions by 66 per cent per room by 2030 and 90 per cent by 2050 to prevent emissions from surging along with the sector’s expansion. 

The ‘millennial’ influence

The rise of sustainability, over the years, in becoming central to the success of the hospitality industry has largely been a three-pronged response to the rapid social changes and dynamics, these include: urgency of environmental concerns, shifting generational values, and changing preferences and priorities of travellers. These factors also influence the significance of diversity initiatives, as they are instrumental in achieving vital ESG benchmarks, which includes transparent governance practices that uphold ethical standards.

The pressing environmental concerns have triggered a global wave of action within the hotel industry, regardless of property size. Hotels are actively implementing measures to curtail carbon emissions, lower energy waste, and reduce costs. The initiatives also include solar energy installations, reduction in the usage of air-conditions, and the adoption of climate-friendly architectural designs that are both environmentally responsible and visually pleasing.

Hotels are going out of their way to provide their guests with meaningful experiences which align with their changing tastes and values, predominantly influenced by sustainability. However, this effort extends beyond energy conservation, reducing water wastage, recycling, and waste management. It also takes into account the hotel’s engagement with the locals, including supporting local services.

The G20 impact

India is now being considered as one of the fastest-emerging tourist destinations in the world. Its travel and tourism sector holds significant potential for development in the coming years. Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the recently held G20 Summit on Tourism in Goa recognised the sector’s “great potential for employment generation, social inclusion, and economic progress”.  

As travellers and industry professionals make conscious choices in favour of sustainability, the global efforts to make tourism more responsible and sustainable will continue to gain pace. The future of hospitality lies in its ability to adapt, embrace diversity, and lead the charge towards a more sustainable and inclusive world. 

At present, it is already at the threshold of a significant transformation with the announcement of the Goa Roadmap for Tourism at the G20 meeting in Goa. Based on sustainability, it serves as a blueprint for G20 nations to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) through sustainable tourism. However, collaborations play a large role in it and it is not just limited to stakeholders of the tourism sector, including hospitality, but extend to the local communities as well. The Indian Government’s launch of this initiative is of great significance, and it is crucial for all of us to actively contribute to its success. 

This comprehensive outlook, which aims to attain sustainability at multiple levels, emphasises collaboration with regional stakeholders and fostering inclusivity. There is now an urgent need to shift from debate to action.

Author Bio: Gaurav Pokhariyal is Executive Vice President – Human Resources, IHCL


Gaurav Pohkariyal

Guest Author Gaurav Pokhariyal is Executive Vice President – Human Resources, IHCL

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