India needs a clear cruise policy

How can we develop India as a cruise hub? The question should not be ‘how’ but ‘when’ as that’s of significance. My assessment is it must be and will be in the imminent future. India should have been a cruise hub way back at the turn of this century but in hindsight maybe, she just wasn’t ready! Today, it’s a different story! 

India has come a long way to ascertain her rightful positioning as a cruise hub mainly due the following attributes:

1.India has among the longest / largest coastline in the world – 7,600 km

2.Strategic location, all cruise ships need to pass through India to cross over from the west to the east and vice versa 

3.Multiple ports of call within her territory therefore, allowing passengers the ability to cover land locked places of interest

4.Development of infrastructure, making our ports the best by international standards

5.India’s growing economy  

6.Robust air and rail connectivity

7.India’s heritage, diversity and uniqueness

8.Last but not the least, our Government’s prima facie intent to make India a cruise hub by improving infra, streamlining policies, easing procedures and creating a conducive environment for investment

The recent launch of the world’s longest river cruise is a perfect example of how our rivers and oceans have become waterways of national and international interest for the cruise industry at large and to start taking India seriously and perhaps, moving their mobile assets to the newest cruise hub of the world! In a vast country like India, these mobile assets, built as floating cities, can add value to the existing infrastructure specially during special events and large movements allowing India to host international events of stature.

In early 2000, when the toss up to establish a cruise hub in Asia was being considered by The Royal Caribbean Group, both China and India were in the reckoning. China took precedence with their ‘just do it’ attitude! Now that the world has changed, India has a second chance and there’s no stopping us now. We need all stakeholders to come together in a profound partnership to ensure India is where she belongs, that is the numero uno cruise hub of the world!

Cruise companies are investing in new builds that are state-of-the-art and these assets need to be deployed at newer destinations. Asia is a natural choice and India, being at the hub of the ocean activity, is a natural and convenient choice. Therefore, the question before us is not “how” but “when” will India develop as a cruise hub?

However, to answer the “how”? 

India needs a clear cruise policy with standardised policies and procedures. Each state needs to conform to the same policy for cruise passengers to avoid dichotomy within India’s territorial waters. We need a “one country, one policy”. Destinations need to be developed with all aspects of tourism, primary aspect being safety and security of cruise passengers and the crew. The fastest route to become a cruise hub for India is to allow foreign flag carriers to invest in the country, for that the business environment needs to be conducive, sustainable and comparable to the international standards.  

India is not country, she’s a mind-set. Let the world view her as one! n

AUTHOR BIO: Ratna Chadha is Co-founder and Chairperson, Tirun Travel Marketing and India representative, Royal Caribbean Cruises Group


Ratna Chadha

Guest Author Chairperson and Founder, TIRUN Travel Marketing India Representative: Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, Pioneer of Cruise Travel in India

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