Bring ‘Attitude’, ‘Habits’, and ‘Behaviours’ on-board: Suresh Kumar

The multiple hardships faced by the hospitality industry has not only dwarfed the difficulties faced by other industries in comparison, and unlike them, the hospitality sees negligible signs of recovery. Industry experts have been looking at different remodelling approaches and behavioural patterns towards consumers. Suresh Kumar, Founder, KUE Management Services; Founder & Mentor, Rosakue Hospitality in the context pointed out the importance of bringing ‘attitude’, ‘habits’, and ‘behaviours’ on-board. Apparently, general managers of hotel chains have been at the forefront in dealing with owners and employees. Kumar thinks that in times such as these drastic changes are required over the skills and knowledge that they have always possessed. Kumar was among the esteemed panellists speaking at the recent BW Hotelier WebBlast on ‘Future of the Hospitality Industry: An Outside In View’.

As hospitality leaders are left to fend for themselves in the present crisis situation, Kumar asserted the fact that relief from the government has become a far-fetched dream for the hospitality leaders. He said, “The Hospitality sector didn’t get attention in terms of relief from the government.” Moreover, to the recent government actions of turning hotels into quarantine centers, Kumar is of the opinion that it will create a loss of confidence in the public. “It is not a very good decision to rope in hotels but being part of a society one has to give back,” he said.   

Undeniably, hotel chains account for a hefty share in the country’s economy. However, Kumar pointed out the lapses in the government to not consider the tourism industry as a part of national infrastructure. He elaborated that the government still sees the hospitality industry under the light of the elitist tag. “I believe this is a challenge and it will continue to be a challenge,” he opined. Further delving into details, Kumar discussed the need for substantive shifts in parameters that are investment-driven. In fact, various reports suggest the operational profitability of hotels has suffered. “Industry is already under demand destruction so there should be new norms for GOP’S (Gross Operating Profit),” Kumar said.


Sonakshi Goel

Guest Author The author is an intern with BW Businessworld.

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