Book Junks Myth That Pakodas Are 'Junk Food'

The misconception that consuming fried food leads to excessive weight gain motivated Sangeeta Khanna, microbiologist and food blogger, to write her well-researched book Pakodas: The Snack for all Seasons (Westland; Rs 399).

A nutrition coach and constant seeker of traditional culinary wisdom, Khanna said on the sidelines of the book launch at The Imperial Culinary Club in New Delhi: “People consider pakodas to be 'artery-clogging food' but not red velvet cake.”

Over the years, Khanna has seen and heard a lot of misinformation about fried foods float about and even gain popular acceptance. ''The opposite is true, we need fats to keep our body functioning properly. It is the oil that becomes the issue -- when heated to an excessively high temperature, it makes fat decompose in dangerous ways.”

The book was launched at The Imperial Culinary Club in New Delhi. The highlight of the event was a live cookout with recipes from the book. Speaking about her book, Khanna said, “There are different varieties of pakodas with so many names, but the most interesting ones are those made with wildflowers and leaves of lesser-known vegetables. India, moreover, has the widest variety of lentils and such ingredients.”

Talking about how she conceptualised the book, Khanna said: “It has been a long time in the making. I decided to write it because I felt we were forgetting our culinary roots and also because I wanted to change the somewhat negative image that pakodas have unfairly acquired as they are widely considered to be oily and unhealthy."

Speaking after the launch, Vijay Wanchoo, Senior Executive Vice-President and General Manager, The Imperial, New Delhi, commented: “I am extremely excited that The Imperial Culinary Club is associated with yet another session with Sangeeta Khanna, with whom we have a long-standing relationship. We all know that she is acclaimed health and healing food writer and her knowledge in the field of food are exceptional, which is why I am sure this book will be packed with insights that will be revelations for its readers.”

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