‘WAE always takes a sustainable approach’

In 2008, using plastic water jars above dispensers to hydrate employees presented significant challenges for businesses and organisations. In addition to requiring manpower, space and vendors to handle the bottles, this method had its own set of disadvantages including unsustainable-ness, high maintenance costs and health concerns. Additionally, several litres of water were wasted during the manufacturing process of empty plastic bottles which exacerbated the problem of water scarcity. 

Perceiving this squeezing issue, Anupam Vikram Joshi, Founder and Managing Director, WAE, set out determined to resolve the issue and give a suitable arrangement. He conducted a lot of research and worked hard to spread the word about the negative effects of plastic. The idea of sustainable hydration solutions emerged during this time. “The objective was clear: to develop an all-inclusive, long-term hydration system that would eliminate the need for water bottle jars made of plastic. Utilising the existing supply of raw water and purifying it through point-of-use dispensing was the core of WAE’s strategy. This innovative solution guaranteed the delivery of 99.99 per cent pure and clean water and offered a plug-and-play operation,” shares Joshi.

Since its commencement, WAE has made critical progress and had a noteworthy effect. Till date, they have eliminated six million plastic jars, 500-600 million litres of water saved (the exact number would be trillions) and 5-10 million kg of CO2 emissions. “WAE’s prosperity can be ascribed to its steady obligation to tending to natural worries and giving associations creative, long haul answers for economical hydration,” he says, adding, “Through their endeavours, WAE has shown that it is feasible to upset the manner in which associations approach hydration while at the same time protecting valuable assets and adding to a better planet.”

On how WAE differentiates itself from competitors in terms of quality, pricing and environmental impact, Joshi says, “WAE invests heavily in its inside plan group which makes machines that highlight a novel look and state-of-the-art innovation. In contrast to some of its rivals, WAE strictly avoids the use of plastic materials and uses food-grade plastic when absolutely necessary. WAE machines stand out in terms of longevity, performance, and customer satisfaction.”

Another area in which WAE excels is pricing. Their machines are valued in accordance with market guidelines, making them open to many organisations. WAE maintains competitive pricing without sacrificing quality or features, offering customers excellent value. WAE always takes a sustainable approach while many competitors continue to use plastic water bottles. They address the natural issues related with plastic jugs by using existing crude water supplies and purging them through purpose in use apportioning. The use of plastic water bottle jars is eliminated with this innovative solution, which also significantly reduces carbon emissions.

Discussing WAE’s future vision, Joshi shares the company plans to increase its contributions and provide organisations with complete office basics. “WAE intends to offer pantry setups, office furniture, sustainable hydration options, vending solutions under the brand name VENDMART and commercial air purifiers under the brand name AEROSMITH. By expanding their product line, WAE hopes to become a one-stop solution provider for businesses. This will ensure that businesses as a whole are in good health and boost employee output and contentment.”

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