Why are travellers leaning towards sustainable stays?

The more we treat the ecosystem right by conserving energy and natural resources, the better it is for our survival. Fortunately, we see a definite rise in the number of travellers wanting to travel sustainably, making a conscious effort to leave as little carbon footprint behind as possible. And where there is travel, there is hospitality. 

The travellers’ mindset is changing and with time the idea of sustainable travel has become a rage among the younger generation of travellers. Today’s generation has become more aware about the hazards that the environment has to bear in terms of travelling and sometimes over-travelling. Hence they are gradually focussing more towards sustainable and slow travelling, and are even opting to reside in sustainable stays during their trips. 

The leading travel website named Booking.com’s survey titled Sustainable Travel Report, revealed certain insights. These include: 

- 61 per cent of travellers state that the pandemic has made them want to travel more sustainably in the future

- 81 per cent of travellers intend to stay in a sustainable accommodation, at least once in the upcoming year, compared to 73 per cent in 2019 and
  65 per cent in 2017

- 76 per cent of travellers pledge to seek out accommodation that has reputable third-party sustainability accreditation 

- 73 per cent of travellers would be more likely to choose an accommodation if it has implemented sustainability practices

From having an amped awareness on the need for sustainable travel, travellers have been re-evaluating what steps to take, whether small or large, to ensure they are playing their part in helping to protect the planet like, staying away from crowded tourist attractions, avoiding travelling during peak season and visiting alternative destinations to prevent overcrowding. 

However, what is driving this change among travellers? Why are they opting for sustainable stays along with sustainable travel? Let’s take a look: 

1. They are more aware than before 

One of the major reasons behind the increase in demand for sustainable stays during travel is the fact that travellers are way more aware than before. And the pandemic and its effect have got everyone thinking more about sustainable travel and engaging in the activity. Hence, they are opting for eco-friendly homestays/ boutique stays or accommodations that abide by certain environmental safety standards. Through their travelling efforts, they are doing their bit to save the environment in whichever way they can. 

2. To engage in slow travel 

Since the pandemic, people’s perspective toward life has changed substantially. They have started appreciating small things in life and even thinking about changing the way they travel. Slow travel has picked up and hence the need for sustainable stays for accommodation has also increased among travellers. This is because travellers are looking to reduce their energy consumption and also looking for environment-friendly modes of transport including exploring on foot or cycling. Needless to say, such activities will ensure that the carbon footprint is reduced and has a positive impact on the environment. 

3. Indulge in better experiences

In this modern world, most people are looking to indulge in experiences rather than simply enjoying whatever is on offer. In order to engage in better experiences customers (travellers) are looking for slow travel and looking to experience a place more informally and locally. Hence they are opting for sustainable stays or sustainable homestays that can offer the local cultural experience. 

4. Help boost local economies 

Yet another reason for opting for sustainable stays includes boosting local communities and their economies. This yet again stems from the awareness aspect and concern towards the environment and protecting the same. Staying in homestays and sustainable stays during travel often aid in giving local communities and economies the required shot in the arm. 

There is a conscious effort on the part of travellers to engage in travelling differently. Most Indian travellers these days are opting for sustainable stay and slow travel these days to experience the location differently. As individuals began to acquire evolved tastes in terms of travelling, sustainable homestays are becoming more and more popular. Several places including Pench (Madhya Pradesh), Jaisalmer, Ladakh, Puducherry, Goa, and Kaziranga (Assam) have launched eco-friendly sustainable stays that are increasingly becoming popular among travellers. 

The author is CEO & Founder, Earthaa Escapes 


Sanjay Wadhawan

Guest Author CEO & Founder, Earthaa Escapes

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