What to expect while travelling in 2023

The pandemic drove many of us to stay closer to home over the past few years, but it also rekindled a previously repressed yearning to travel. After the pandemic, 2022 saw a return to normalcy in the tourism sector, with a rise in demand for international travel. The year also witnessed an increase in revenge travel from India and other nations. According to the most recent UN World Tourism Barometer, International visitors nearly tripled (+172%) from January to July 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. 

Due to the exceptional demand, the traditional peak season was extended into the lean season of September to October. This tendency was first observed in 2021, just after international borders started to open, and we saw it re-emerge again in 2022. Before last year, the industry anticipated a gradual but solid rebound, possibly underestimating the robust travel demand that was just waiting to take off. By the time India's peak summer travel season arrived, most nations that attracted Indian tourists had opened their borders, lifted travel restrictions, and most importantly, regular international flight operations returned. This paved the way for a travel rebound like never before and we encourage the readers to plan their travel with confidence to explore the world according to their calling. Travel increases awareness, inclusivity, respect for diversity within travelling communities, both for the traveller and the host country, and it is also a way to build a better world for the next generation. 

As we gear up for our next travel escapades, let’s take a sneak peek into what travel will look like in 2023.

Unprecedented demand

The pandemic has continued to be volatile in some regions of the world even as embassies began receiving a flood of visa requests from tourists, business travellers, and students, among others. The operations of visa outsourcing firms remain nimble and adaptable. We at VFS Global, were well prepared to handle this surge of "revenge travel." We handled visa applications averaging more than 20,000 per day during India's busiest summer without it slowing down our turn-around times. However, there were certain difficulties for visa applications due to the vastly increased demand. As a result, there were fewer visa appointments available and longer wait times for visa decisions, which became a major reason for the shift in travel peak seasons. Given the trend, it’s safe to say that 2023 will continue to witness a high travel demand in off-seasons. It’s advisable for travellers to apply for visas in advance for a smooth hassle-free travel journey.

Seamless solutions for visas

While historically well-liked travel destinations from India, such as the UK, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East continue to draw travellers, including tourists, students, and business travellers, there is a great need for nations that provide simple visa solutions. A fast-track Visa on Arrival programme, for instance, was just introduced by Indonesia for 86 nationalities, including India. Like this, VFS Global provides travellers to Azerbaijan with an easy-to-use e-visa option. Due to its advantages of quick and easy immigration clearance and exit from the airport upon arrival, our e-visa on-arrival service for travellers headed to Thailand is equally popular. The gap in the number of visa applications this year compared to the pre-pandemic levels is anticipated to further close due to the pent-up demand and rising traveller confidence.  The newest offering, the digital e-extension platform, offers tourists an easy method to extend their stay in Thailand. The platform's main benefits include streamlined online application submission and payment options, the removal of the need to submit a passport, and time savings due to a quicker extension approval process. When visiting the immigration office, there is no need to bring paper copies of your documents or local currency.

Health and Wellness Travel

While 2022 did bring back a sense of normalcy in our lives, people have understood the importance of health and wellbeing. More and more people today are choosing wellness-based getaways and self-healing journeys. People are willing to set aside one vacation each year that is solely for their mental health and well-being. In 2023, travel will see a spike in activities that encourage the improvement of a person’s overall well-being, from wellness cruises to hiking trips and yoga retreats.

Even though the fear of new COVID variants remain volatile, the unprecedented demand witnessed in 2022 indicates the extraordinary improvement in travelers' confidence, which is anticipated to continue in 2023. India historically has been a significant source of international travel, and the numbers seen even during the recovery era have been exceptional. The nation has all the necessary components to continue to be a prominent player in the outbound tourism business given its expanding middle class and young population.

Thus, the sector's stakeholders will need to cooperate and work toward the promotion of travel as a common goal. Constant client interaction and safeguarding their safety will be two key factors in boosting demand. In a future where "touch-less" or "contactless" service is highly desired, technology may become the most important tool for businesses to provide better customer service.


Prabuddha Sen

Guest Author The author is COO (South Asia), VFS Global

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