Travel for life

TFL programme actions promote sustainable economic development, encourage sustainable consumption and production

The future depends on what we do in the present. Travel for Life (TFL) is about taking small simple actions today, consistently and consciously while travelling or engaging in the business of travel for a sustainable tomorrow. It is about nudging people and changing thoughts. It is said that thoughts become actions and actions become habits. Habits become values and values become our destiny.

Worldwide, a lot of emphasis is being laid on sustainability – by governments, NGOs, businesses, institutions and specialists. However, at an individual level, while wanting to do our bit, most of us struggle with knowing what we can do to contribute to the cause. Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is an answer to the dilemma and TFL, a programme under LiFE is the practical guide for what each one engaged in the business of tourism or as a traveller should do to promote sustainability. It lists small actions when followed by all can have a huge impact - bigger than what can be achieved through volumes of papers, articles, debates, discussions, dialogues, conferences and conventions on sustainability. 

Our scriptures talk about “Mardavam” or “Gentleness” as being our innate nature. Mardavam extends beyond human interactions and includes gentleness with animals, environment and the planet. TFL is about gentleness or mildness or softness and kindness by tourists and by tourism stakeholders. TFL Actions are pro people and planet.

TFL actions include those that save energy, save water, eliminate single-use plastic , reduce waste. TFL actions empower local businesses and communities, TFL actions are rooted in respect for local culture and heritage and conserve natural heritage.

TFL programme actions promote sustainable economic development, encourage sustainable consumption and production. TFL contributes directly and indirectly to almost all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Indian hospitality Industry and member hotels of Hotel Association of India (HAI) have well defined strategies and programs on sustainability. They have successfully achieved internationally recognized certifications in sustainable practices. 

In addition, hotels have adopted and embraced the TFL program. Some examples of TFL actions from the hotel Industry include light and water sensors that come on and go off automatically. The key card which when removed while leaving the room disconnects the power thus conserving energy which may be lost when a forgetful guest leaves the AC/some lights on in the room. Doing away with bathtubs in guestrooms to save water. Employing local talent and developing vendors in the vicinity are other examples.  Some of the ways hotels nudge guests to take TFL actions is by encouraging them to use the same linen- bath and bed for more than a day, use scanners to access menus, to take shorter showers, set room temperatures optimally and several others . 

While being a key pillar of the economy globally, tourism also poses the greatest challenge for sustainability. TFL is aimed at changing individual’s behaviour for sustainable tourism because our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world but to change ourselves.

We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us. Let us make our travels more sustainable by taking only memories and leaving only footprints but not carbon footprints.


Charulata Sukhija

Guest Author Deputy Secretary General HAI

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