Relevance Should Be Top Priority

Communications will play an integral role more so now, than ever before. If the past year has proven anything, it’s the utmost importance of positive messaging. I am a strong believer in the power of inspiring messaging. I also feel going forward content relevance will prove to be critical for reaching the right people.

Ten years ago, you’d hear a lot of people tell you, “Content is king”. The idea was that all you had to do was create quality content. Well, the value of that advice changed once everyone began creating quality content. As a communications professional, I believe it is that very thing—relevance—that is the next important consideration when developing content.

Relevance should be top priority when it comes to blending PR to “own” specific topics, terms, and knowledge in your industry. Previously, industry winners were those who built a large following and effectively distributed their content. It was only later that brands began to realise that much of their following was not all that valuable. Having loads of followers wasn’t necessarily translating into conversions, let alone brand loyalty.

For the next two to three years, the ability to dominate in my view will be driven by getting your message across to a relevant audience. These are the people who care about—and are in a position to act on—what you have to say. Also, we must take into consideration the fact that media has dramatically digitised itself in the post-pandemic era. Digital media will redefine relevant communication that builds, enhances, and nurtures brand reputation as it gradually shifts its focus towards creating crisp yet attention-grabbing content for personalised experience across different screen sizes.

Proactive reputation management will become increasingly important. Proactively surround your brand with positive messaging. Advocacy has and will continue to play a vital role as nothing works better than getting a third-party to endorse a brand for its vision, goals, and values. A committed, consistent reputation management approach will be critical when—not if — the time comes to handle a crisis. Get it right, and people will be disinclined to believe bad news about you, even if it’s true.


Silki Sehgal

Guest Author Silki Sehgal is the Vice President – Global Corporate Communications of The Oberoi Group.

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