Love, laughter and low carbon footprints

With couples increasingly opting for eco-friendly weddings, hotels and resorts are extending sustainable choices

When Tarun and Shivika decided to tie the nuptial knot recently, the two forwarded a common condition before their respective parents. “We want a sustainable wedding, one where the carbon footprint of the celebrations is minimal,” the couple shared. Though there was initial resistance from the families, they had to ultimately give in and Tarun-Shivika wedding was one of the most talked about celebrations to have taken place in recent times – introduction of eco-friendly practices, utilisation of biodegradable and vintage decor to reduce waste and serving locally sourced cuisines.

Unfortunately, sustainability has never been on the priority list when Indian weddings are being planned. Though most guests don’t do this on purpose, they eventually fail to recognise the long-term impact their actions are likely to have on the ecosystem. Industry experts note that an average three-day Indian wedding produces about 700 to 800 kilos of wet waste and 1,500 kilos of dry waste.

In recent years, the grandeur of Indian weddings has shifted as couples seek more environmentally responsible methods to honour their union. The luxury and extravagance that characterise traditional Indian weddings are being reinvented through the lens of sustainability. With increased awareness of environmental implications, many people are adopting green behaviours that decrease their ecological footprint and boost local artisans and sustainable businesses. Over 28 per cent of couples have taken the initiative for eco-friendly and sustainable weddings. From eco-friendly decor and biodegradable flatware to thoughtful venue selections and digital invitations, the trend towards sustainable weddings is gaining traction in India. This transition reflects shifting consumer choices and the global movement toward more responsible and sustainable living.

Indian hotels embrace sustainability

The rising climate crisis and increasing social awareness have prompted consumers to seek experiences that align with their values. Leading the way in adopting sustainable practices into wedding offerings are hotels and resorts in the country, ensuring luxury and sustainability coexist.

Philip Logan, COO, Royal Orchid, underscores the positive impact of sustainable weddings on their business, commenting, “Sustainable Indian weddings have positively influenced our revenue and profitability at Royal Orchid and Regenta Hotels. By aligning with market trends and emphasising eco-friendly practices, we’ve attracted environmentally-conscious couples, leading to an increase in bookings. Our initiatives, such as using locally sourced materials and reducing waste, have not only reduced operational costs but also enhanced our brand reputation.”

Echoing the sentiment is Anjali Tolani, Assistant Vice President, Weddings at Tamarind Global. Acknowledging that the introduction of sustainable wedding packages is still in its nascent stages but is expected to grow significantly, she says, “While we do have some couples or families that seek to make aspects of their wedding sustainable, this segment is in a nascent stage so far. But we see this becoming bigger over the coming years where sensitivity towards the planet might hold higher value over extravagant celebrations.”

Tolani also points out that many of these sustainable practices, such as hiring local vendors, using reusable artificial flowers, and opting for e-invites, are not only eco-friendly but also make financial sense, contributing to their growing acceptance.

Highlighting the critical role hotels play in promoting sustainable weddings, Somesh Agarwal, Chairman and MD, Radisson Blu Palace Resort in Udaipur, stated, “Hotels will play a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable weddings. As more couples prioritise eco-friendly celebrations, hotels are uniquely positioned to lead this transformation. They can implement green practices such as using renewable energy, reducing water consumption, and minimising waste through recycling and composting programmes.”

Sustainability: A growth driver for the hospitality sector

The hospitality sectors’ embrace of sustainability represents a broader societal awareness of the need for environmental protection. By investing in initiatives such as waste reduction, water conservation, and energy efficiency, hotels and resorts can protect the environment while also improving operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Manish Tolani, Vice President and Commercial Director, South Asia, Hilton, explains how the trend of sustainable weddings aligns with the hotel’s broader strategy, noting, “The concept of sustainable or green weddings has been around for a while but has become prominent as an eco-conscious choice amongst the youth. This trend perfectly aligns with Hilton’s Travel with Purpose strategy, which is our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy to drive responsible travel and tourism globally.”

Hilton’s commitment to sustainability is further demonstrated through their partnerships with local vendors to support eco-friendly weddings. Manish Tolani elaborates saying, “With the roll-out of our refreshed Wedding Diaries campaign, we are offering a myriad of options for our guests to opt for a Carbon Neutral Meeting by purchasing carbon offsets from Hilton’s partner ClimeCo. Couples can choose to celebrate their special day with reduced environmental impact through our Meet with Purpose offering, which incorporates greener practices to reduce the carbon, water, and waste footprint of the event.”

Anjali Tolani offers further insights into the financial aspect of this shift: “Since many of the sustainable practices adopted for weddings actually result in cost savings as well, I would like to believe that about 40-50 per cent of all weddings have embraced some aspect of sustainability during their celebrations.” This growing trend is not only shaping the future of the wedding industry but also providing new avenues for revenue generation in the hospitality sector.

Hyatt India Weddings is redefining the wedding industry by seamlessly integrating dream weddings with eco-conscious practices. Their commitment to sustainability is evident in their meticulous efforts to conserve water, food and limit floral wastage. By incorporating these eco-friendly measures, they ensure that every wedding is not only a beautiful and memorable event but also a conscious effort to protect the environment. This innovative approach mirrors a growing trend among couples who want their special day to reflect their values.

Future of sustainable weddings

Sustainable practices in the hospitality sector offer numerous benefits. Energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources reduce operating costs, while waste reduction and recycling programs minimise environmental impact. Water conservation measures, such as low-flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting, ensure the sustainable use of this precious resource. These initiatives not only attract environmentally conscious guests but also foster a positive brand image and increase customer loyalty. There will be a growing need for eco-friendly locations and services as more couples choose eco-friendly weddings. By adopting sustainability, the hotel sector is well-positioned to supply this need and fuel its growth. Incorporating sustainable methods guarantees resilience and long-term profitability while also being in line with global environmental goals.

Looking to the future, Agarwal shares exciting plans that Radisson Blu Plaza has to enhance its sustainability efforts commenting, “We are deeply committed to enhancing our sustainability efforts, especially for weddings. At present, we partner with local vendors to repurpose fresh flowers from events into perfumes and ittar, effectively reducing waste and supporting the community. We have several exciting initiatives planned, including sustainable and biodegradable decor alternatives, a food waste reduction program, and a comprehensive 'green wedding' package featuring locally sourced organic catering.”

The move towards sustainable weddings signifies a major change in how love is celebrated in India. It reflects a mutual dedication to preserving the environment for future generations while still embracing the cultural richness and joy of wedding celebrations. The hospitality industry's proactive stance on sustainability not only aligns with this trend but also sets the stage for a greener, more responsible future.

Anjali Tolani further emphasises the role hotels can play stating, “Hotels can play a very big role in ensuring weddings are executed sustainably. From creating spaces that require minimal intervention in terms of décor and additional lighting to eschewing the use of single-use plastics to facilitating the distribution of leftover food to the needy, and allowing for eco-friendly disposal of décor and other waste once the celebrations are over, are some instances where hotels can make a significant impact.”

Greener celebration for a brighter future

Sustainable weddings are changing the way people celebrate love in India. The hospitality industry plays an important part in this shift, providing eco-friendly solutions that not only fulfil the needs of modern couples but also safeguard the environment. Hotels and resorts are paving the way for a future in which luxury and responsibility are inseparable.

In the years to come, as more couples opt for eco-friendly celebrations, the wedding industry in India will likely evolve even further, embracing innovative solutions that marry tradition with sustainability. The shift is not just about reducing waste or conserving resources, it's about reimagining the very essence of a wedding.

But the question remains: will the hospitality industry continue to lead the way in making sustainability the new norm for weddings and beyond?

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