Green hospitality: A look inside The Fern Hotels and Resorts' initiatives

Optimising Sustainability in Housekeeping: Key Initiatives

The Fern Hotels and Resorts believes in the power of small steps leading to significant changes. Various initiatives and practices have been put in place to optimize sustainability in housekeeping operations. By focussing on efficient resource usage, green cleaning practices, waste reduction and recycling, staff training, and awareness, the organisation aims to make a tangible impact on the environment.

Efficient Resource Usage

A primary goal is to promote responsible consumption of water and energy. This is achieved by employing energy-efficient appliances across their properties and implementing water-saving measures. In select hotels, The Fern Hotels and Resorts has introduced bottling plants to reduce plastic bottle usage and promote sustainable practices. The organisation conducts regular rainwater harvesting and ensures the use of safe, skin-friendly cleaning chemicals. Proper waste segregation is also integral to their sustainable approach. Additional initiatives include installing water-saving aerators on taps and cafeteria programs that encourage food waste reduction. Furthermore, LED lights, rice straws, and eco-friendly pens are utilized throughout the properties to further reduce their environmental impact.

Green Cleaning Practices

To ensure a healthier indoor environment, The Fern Hotels and Resorts has adopted green cleaning practices. They utilise eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques that minimise the use of harsh chemicals. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also creates a safer space for guests and staff. The organisation also employs paper-based food parcel boxes, dual dustbins for recycling, and segregated waste management systems to complete their comprehensive sustainability efforts.

Waste Reduction and Recycling

Proper waste management is essential for minimising the environmental footprint. The organisation has implemented robust waste management systems that include recycling programs and proper waste segregation. By diverting recyclables from landfills, The Fern Hotels and Resorts contributes to a more sustainable future. Their commitment to waste reduction and recycling extends to all areas of their operations, including housekeeping.

Staff Training and Awareness

The housekeeping team plays a vital role in driving sustainability initiatives. The organisation ensures that all staff members are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement sustainable practices through comprehensive training on waste management, sustainable practices, and the importance of environmental stewardship. By fostering awareness and a sense of responsibility, The Fern Hotels and Resorts creates a collective effort towards sustainability.

Best Practices in Housekeeping: A Focus on Sustainability

As a leading hospitality brand, The Fern Hotels and Resorts believes in adopting best practices that prioritize sustainability. By combining innovative approaches and proven techniques, they continuously strive to enhance their environmental performance. Here are some of the best practices they follow:

Green Cleaning Products

To maintain a healthier environment for guests and staff, The Fern Hotels and Resorts uses environmentally friendly cleaning products that are free from harsh chemicals. This not only reduces the environmental impact of their operations but also ensures a cleaner and safer space for everyone.

 Energy Efficient Equipment

Understanding the importance of reducing energy consumption and minimising their carbon footprint, the organization employs energy-efficient appliances and technologies throughout their properties. By using energy-efficient equipment, they contribute to a greener future.

Water Conservation

Recognising water as a precious resource, The Fern Hotels and Resorts takes every opportunity to minimise water wastage. They have implemented various water-saving measures, including the use of low-flow fixtures and water-efficient laundry systems. These initiatives help them minimize their water consumption while maintaining their commitment to sustainability.

Waste Management

Proper waste management is an integral part of their sustainability efforts. The organisation has a comprehensive waste management system in place, which includes recycling programs and proper waste segregation. By diverting recyclables from landfills, they contribute to a circular economy and reduce their overall environmental impact.

Innovative Approaches

In addition to following best practices, The Fern Hotels and Resorts actively explores innovative approaches and techniques that align with their sustainability goals. For example, they are currently experimenting with smart sensors and automation to optimise energy usage in guest rooms. These innovative solutions not only enhance their environmental performance but also improve the guest experience.

The Future of Sustainability at The Fern Hotels and Resorts

As The Fern Hotels and Resorts move forward, they remain committed to driving sustainability across all aspects of their operations. They will continue to explore new technologies, practices, and partnerships that align with their sustainability goals. Their focus on sustainable sourcing, waste reduction strategies, energy-efficient practices, community engagement, guest education, and measuring environmental impact will guide them towards a greener future.

The Fern Hotels and Resorts takes pride in being at the forefront of sustainability and eco-friendly practices in the hospitality industry. Through efficient resource usage, green cleaning practices, waste reduction and recycling, staff training and awareness, and innovative approaches, The Fern Hotels and Resorts are making a significant impact on the environment.


Vaishali P Sinha

Guest Author Cluster Executive Housekeeper, West at The Fern Hotels and Resorts

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