Cafe Akasa offers a health-conscious dining menu

The menu offers customers to enjoy their journey without sacrificing their diet

Consumer behaviour in air travel has evolved significantly over the years, reflecting changing preferences and expectations. Today there is a growing emphasis on health and wellness, with passengers prioritising nutritious meals and access to healthier food options. Research has shown that 78 per cent of passengers now prioritise nutritional value and freshness in their in-flight meals, a significant increase from 52 per cent in 2019. 

Café Akasa, Akasa Air’s onboard meal service offers health-conscious dining to allow customers to enjoy their journey without sacrificing their diet. It offers a diverse selection of salads, snacks, and beverages designed to meet a variety of dietary needs. The menu caters to all preferences with fresh, high-quality ingredients along with labels comprising nutrition facts such as calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates to provide detailed information about each meal. This helps consumers make informed choices about their diet and nutrition.

Akasa Air is also the first Indian airline to introduce Kombucha, a probiotic beverage on board. Some of the healthy, nutritious options available at Café Akasa include salads such as Fruit & Feta Fiesta Salad, Lean Bean Protein Salad, Chicken Shawarma Salad and the Chic-a-licious Salad. The menu also offers customers Peppy Paneer and Chicken & Cheese Sandwich as well as snacks such as Mixed nuts and Makhana alongside beverages such as Borecha Mango Kombucha, Borecha Basil Shikanji and Tender Coconut Water. 

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