Articles for Guest Columns

Latest innovation in HVAC technologies for hotel buildings

In the current scenario, indoor air quality maintenance has become an important factor to be kept in mind

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Tech-based practical training is a must at hotel management institutions

Technology has become imperative for all hotels across sizes and offerings spanning back and front offices

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The Flying Carpet - The Wonder that was Air India - 2

Diwan Gautam Anand, Founding Trustee, Cuisine India Foundation writes about the tale of Air India

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Hospitality: Waking to a new dawn and new trends

Revisiting the recent past sometimes helps to conclude what changed

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Contemporary trends in lighting up hotels

The hotel industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and innovations to match the expectations of global customers, and lighting trends are no exception

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Food, the biggest ever influencer

For sustainability to be ‘sustainable’, we either need to become selfish or selfless. Selfish wrt revering our body as a temple, identifying what works for our body and making conscious choices

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Invest time and energy on team members, future employees

In my opinion, for business leaders in any industry, the only sustainable practice worth investing time and energy on is the team members and future employees

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‘AI is proving to be the game-changer’

It is a fact that the pandemic has altered consumer behaviour and expectations, maybe even permanently

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As ‘green’ as possible

Hotels, resorts and clubs have always given extremely high priority to the health and well-being of customers

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Out of the woods

Post-third wave, key metro markets have welcomed stronger recovery with the return of business travel this summer

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