
Arshad Khan


The author is Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

Latest Articles By Arshad Khan

Technology Plays Important Role In Reducing Water Use In Hotels

Executives of leading hotels participating in the Responsible Hoteliering Conclave 2016 on Monday discussed new ideas to save water

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Top Hoteliers Discuss Essential Mantras Of Responsible Hoteliering

Industry players gather at the BW Businessworld Responsible Hoteliering Conclave 2016 to discuss what needs to be done in the sector to attain sustainability and maintain luxury

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New York Needs More Indian Restaurants: Manish Mehrotra

Mehrotra has just returned from a stint in New York, where he set up Indian Accent and felt that there is still some way before diners in the Big Apple would cough up the same amount of money as they do for a Japanese meal.

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Learn the Basics First: Vineet Bhatia at FnB Conclave 2016

Known for his innovative style of Indian cuisine, Bhatia spoke at length via the internet during his session at BW Hotelier's F&B Conclave, about the future of Indian food and stressed on how new chefs graduating from colleges should apply themselves and excel at the basics before trying for something new and out of the box.

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Sticking to Basics and Developing New Tastes

The opening session of the BW Hotelier F&B Conclave and Expo 2016 was titled Back in the Game: How Five-Star Hotels Have Regained F&B Leadership, had a panel consisting of India's top hospitality decision makers holding forth their ideas to a packed house.

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