
Ranveer Brar


The author is a celebrity chef and restaurateur

Latest Articles By Ranveer Brar

Are we ready to support authentic sustainability?

In the quest for sustainability, the hospitality industry reconsiders its culinary heritage, emphasising waste reduction, local sourcing and cultural preservation for a greener future

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Food, the biggest ever influencer

For sustainability to be ‘sustainable’, we either need to become selfish or selfless. Selfish wrt revering our body as a temple, identifying what works for our body and making conscious choices

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Freedom to discover, interpret and express

Celebrity Chef Ranveer Brar pens down his thoughts on how Indian cuisine and culture have evolved over the years

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Great time to revive culinary tourism

Which is the most important element in your travel checklist? If you said, food – excellent! Read on...

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Are we ready to redefine Farm to Table?

Commenting on the need to adopt Farm to Table model, celebrity Chef Ranveer Brar writes about taking a sustainable approach towards food consumption.

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The World of Food After Corona

Highlighting the future of food and beverage industry, celebrity chef Ranveer Brar writes about his learnings from the past year and the way ahead.

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