Uzbekistan Airways enhances connectivity in India launches Tashkent-Mopa flights

Set to operate twice a week from October 27, 2024 the new route will connect Tashkent to the Manohar International Airport (Mopa) in Goa

Uzbekistan Airways has announced the commencement of direct flights from Tashkent to Goa, set to operate twice a week from October 27, 2024. The new route, serviced by the advanced Airbus A320 Neo, will connect Tashkent to the Manohar International Airport (Mopa), opening up new avenues for tourism and cultural exchange between Uzbekistan and Goa.

The introduction of these flights with crucial support from the Uzbekistan Embassy, tour operators and the Indian Embassy in Tashkent. The efforts of the Goa Department of Tourism have played a critical role in making this connection. In line with these efforts to expand Goa’s global reach, Goa Tourism will also be participating in the upcoming Tashkent International Tourism Fair (TITF).

Minister for Tourism for Goa, Rohan A Khaunte, stated, “The introduction of direct flights from Tashkent to Goa marks a significant milestone in enhancing Goa’s connectivity with Central Asia. This new connection will not only boost tourism but also strengthen our cultural ties with Uzbekistan. We are committed to developing Goa as a well-connected and accessible destination for travellers worldwide.” 

Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Director Tourism & Managing Director GTDC, added, “Uzbekistan Airways’ decision to commence flights to Goa underscores the growing global interest in our state as a prime tourism destination. This direct connectivity will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for visitors from Uzbekistan, making Goa more accessible and inviting.”

This new route aligns with the state’s broader strategy to diversify the tourist base and promote Goa as a year-round destination. The Department of Tourism expects an influx of tourists from Uzbekistan and showcase Goa’s unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. The launch of this new flight route will play a pivotal role in boosting tourism from Uzbekistan, contributing directly to the expansion of Goa’s tourism sector. 

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