The green journey of One Earth Hotels

This eco-conscious oasis has revolutionised the concept of sustainable travel with initiatives that encompass energy, water, waste and guest experience

In early 2014, Sanjey Kumar Bhatiya sat thoughtfully, turning over a few names for his new hospitality entity. Each name whispered a promise, but until Earth Day in April 2014, a profound inspiration unfurled its wings. Moved by the collective hope and unity symbolised by this global celebration, he chose "One Earth," now grown into a hotel group with eight properties spread across India. 

Echoing the same sentiment, Monalika Bhatiya, Sanjey's better half and also a Director at One Earth Hotels says, "The name 'One Earth' reminds us that we are all custodians of this singular planet, inviting guests to stay with intention and compassion." With these ideas, the husband-wife duo sought to weave this ethos into every fiber of their hospitality venture, offering a stay and a renewed sense of connection to the world we all share.

In a world where the hospitality industry is grappling with the environmental impact of luxurious living, One Earth Hotels stands out as a pioneer. This eco-conscious oasis has revolutionised the concept of sustainable travel with initiatives that encompass energy, water, waste, and guest experience. With a steadfast belief in the mantra Responsible Hospitality for a Greener Planet, they've planted seeds of sustainability that blossom with every stay, setting a new standard for eco-friendly hospitality.

Harvesting rainwater

One Earth Hotels channels nature's bounty by harvesting rainwater. They collect precious drops from monsoon showers and channel them into reservoirs, ensuring a steady supply for lush landscaping and general use throughout the year. The hotel's rainwater harvesting infrastructure has significantly reduced its dependence on municipal water, effectively nurturing flora and fauna on the premises.

Embracing renewable energy

Perched atop, solar panels gleam in the sunlight, converting solar energy into electricity with remarkable efficiency. This shift towards renewable energy has cut the hotel's carbon footprint and is a testament to its unwavering commitment to sustainable hospitality.

Recycling waste

Waste management is a top priority at One Earth. Every discarded item is meticulously sorted and processed to minimize its environmental impact. Food waste enters composting units, enriching the soil in the hotel's lush gardens. Paper, plastic, and glass are segregated and sent off for recycling. 

Engaging guests

According to Monalika, "Guests too need to be sensitized about what we do regarding sustainability. As our patrons, we want them to be a part of our journey towards creating a better tomorrow." 

Planting the seeds of change

Every guest checking out of One Earth leaves with a tangible reminder of their stay—a seed packet containing flowers or seasonal vegetables. Over the past three years, they have distributed over 250,000 seeds, encouraging guests to plant them and nurture a piece of One Earth at home. This unique initiative fosters a deep connection between guests and the environment, transforming them into not just sustainability ambassadors, but also active participants in the preservation of our planet.

Conserving water

One Earth has also implemented a thoughtful water conservation policy, allowing guests to skip the daily laundering of linens and towels during short stays. A simple card on the bedside table invites them to 'Help Conserve Water,' the response has been overwhelmingly positive. By reducing the frequency of laundry cycles, the hotel saves thousands of liters of water annually, proving that even small changes in our daily habits can yield significant results in our collective effort to protect our planet.

Moving towards offering plastic-free hospitality

Determined to banish single-use plastics from its premises, One Earth encourages guests to opt for RO-filtered water in reusable glass bottles instead of conventional plastic bottles. The management has drastically reduced its plastic consumption by providing sustainable hydration options. 

Leveraging Cloud Hotel PMS

One Earth Hotels' sustainability drive got a boost with Hotelogix's cloud-based Property Management System (PMS). By migrating to the cloud and reducing its reliance on on-site servers and hardware, it has limited its energy consumption and electronic waste while centrally managing operations across all its properties. With mobile access to critical reports, it's gone paperless, making its operations eco-friendlier.

A legacy in bloom

One Earth's sustainability efforts have woven an enduring legacy that inspires everyone who walks through its doors. At One Earth, eco-luxury isn't just a buzzword — it's a lived experience, a harmonious blend of responsible travel and delightful hospitality.

"It is a long journey. But we have started walking the path. So, remember to take your seed packet the next time you check out One Earth Hotels. As you plant and nurture it in your backyard, you'll become a part of our green journey," Sanjey and Monalika signs off. 

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