Technology in Housekeeping has evolved various degrees over the past decade: Fernandes

How will you ensure frequent sanitisation along with social distancing and guests’ requirement for privacy?

Every room is being disinfected using the best chemicals from Diversey which we are partnering with us. We use surface cleaners, disinfectants and user friendly chemicals and products to ensure rooms are fresh, disinfected and ready for guest use.

Apart from this, all departure rooms are given adequate resting time before getting occupied.

Every departure room is misted using disinfection chemicals so that every surface has had time to recuperate

We follow invisible housekeeping practices and service the rooms when the guest is not in the rooms. In case of a guest being present, we request that, if the guest would like to step out at the patio or balcony and then post seeking permission we service the rooms, thereby keeping social distancing norms in mind.

It is a lovely resort spread over an extensive landscape and most guests like to step out, whilst the rooms are being turned around for them.

How much has the role of technology increased in housekeeping?

Technology in Housekeeping has multiplied over the last few years. From Minibars with sensors to Linen with chips, from Door locks which can be opened using mobile technology to the Housekeeper’s checklist which is now on tab the Housekeeping department has evolved and changed various degrees over the past decade.

What are the new strategies adopted to ensure stricter hygiene?

We have evolved with time and have got departmental hygiene marshals who are responsible for ensuring that all the steps of hygiene and sanitation are followed daily by everyone. Also there is a daily audit as well as a stringent checking process.

Apart from this, we also follow a strict schedule in all departments so that each person can take ownership of their areas and clean / disinfect their work spaces and not only wait for Housekeeping. This has helped groom all colleagues to take charge and to follow stricter hygiene standards and apart from that training is another extensive tool which is being done at all levels to raise awareness. 

How are you planning to ensure the routine cleaning of blinds, carpets, towels etc. in the post Covid19 safety standard?

Being a beach resort we do not have carpets in the rooms

As far as rugs are concerned, the same are washed and disinfected at every departure

Similarly, the blinds are misted, washed, ironed and steamed before the departure is cleared and room assigned.

Towels go through the whole process of soaking, anti-bac treatment,  high temp. washing and then resting, before being used again.

Visuals of cleaning were not a routine sight for the guests earlier, how will the same be done now?  

The same will continue. We do the servicing of the occupied rooms, once the guest is not in rooms and public areas are done in the night. 

How will the high touch areas be dealt with? 

As elaborated earlier, all high touch areas are disinfected and sanitized on an hourly basis and there is a checklist and supervisor attached, to ensure every high touch surface/area/public space is being attended to like a clockwork.


Shreeja Singh

Guest Author The author is an intern with BW Businessworld.

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