Türkiye sees 34 per cent increase in Indian visitors between January and May 2024

This growth highlights Türkiye's strategic efforts to attract more Indian tourists

One of the topmost destinations for travellers worldwide, Türkiye continues to witness a surge in tourism from India. In the first five months of 2024, the number of Indian visitors reached 1,26,000, representing a 34 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023. This surge is notable against the backdrop of 2023, wherein Türkiye welcomed a total of 2,74,000 Indian tourists for the entire year. This growth highlights Türkiye's ongoing appeal and its strategic efforts to attract more Indian tourists.

Indian tourists have shown a strong preference for a variety of tourism experiences in Türkiye. Many Indian visitors are exploring Türkiye's rich cultural heritage, shopping, and dining experiences as Free Independent Travellers (FITs). Several regions and cities in Türkiye have seen a notable increase in Indian tourists. This growth is attributed to active promotion and PR activities in India, as well as successful collaborations with Indian stakeholders, including travel agents, corporates, and wedding planners. Earlier this year, Türkiye Tourism concluded a successful six-city India Roadshow in collaboration with the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI). This initiative aimed to strengthen ties between the Indian travel trade and Turkish tourism, fostering collaboration and opening new horizons.

Türkiye has continued to work closely with Indian travel agents, with initiatives like the recently concluded OTOAI (Outbound Tour Operators Association of India) mega fam tour playing a significant role in promoting tourism. Held from June 30 to July 6, 2024, this initiative was dedicated to highlighting the myriad attractions of Türkiye to Indian travel agents. A total of 40 OTOAI members from across India participated in this endeavour, representing diverse regions and tourism interests.

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