SriLankan Airlines embraces sustainability with new eco-friendly Business Class amenities

The airline introduces new eco-friendly pillow covers and antimacassars made from recycled PET plastic (rPET).

SriLankan Airlines is setting new standards in with the introduction of eco-friendly pillow covers and headrest covers (antimacassars) in its Business Class cabins. Made from recycled PET plastic (rPET), these innovative amenities reflect the airline's commitment to sustainability while ensuring passengers experience.

Sourced from Procurall Solution, this initiative not only helps reduce plastic pollution but also conserves natural resources, aligning with global environmental goals. The pillow covers and antimacassars are made entirely from sustainable polyester, created from recycled PET plastic. This not only helps reduce plastic pollution but also conserves natural resources. Additionally, the production process of rPET is also more energy-efficient, providing an added environmental benefit.

The switch to rPET amenities demonstrates SriLankan Airlines' enduring commitment to promoting sustainable operations for a greener future. These new items will complement the eco-friendly carpets introduced onboard a few months ago, as the airline takes gradual steps towards converting to fully sustainable cabins.

With these new eco-friendly amenities, the airline reinforces its reputation as a forward-thinking, environmentally responsible organisation dedicated to enhancing the travel experience while protecting the planet.

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