Is it time to travel?

It’s funny that even in the time of utmost despair the thoughts that come to mind are of times that when one was carefree, with loved one’s and almost certainly of travel. A feeling of anticipation, to revisit the old or discover the new or the undiscovered or just the feeling of getting away from it all....a feeling which came naturally but of late has been circumspect due to the times we are living in. Therefore instead of walloping in despair, is it time to let one’s imagination run a little wild and plan for times when things will be normal... It’s easy to do that but are we willing and ready to travel? Is the travel industry equipped to host us just as yet? These are the relevant questions aren’t they....

There has never been a question on my mind on the intent to travel. Travel is inherent to business despite digital code of communication and travel for leisure or adventure is second nature to most of us despite adversity. We have seen it time and again that the minute the intensity of the lockdown is reduced people are out either for business or leisure. We have seen the roads of Himachal Pradesh blocked and we have seen the various other highways experience the increase in intensity for travel. The airlines is again the same story, as the traffic volumes can expand pretty rapidly once the lockdown restrictions are removed or eased. With the vaccination drive picking up and if.... and it is a big if, then two likely events are possible. One is a sudden rush of revenge travel, what we may call the pent up demand which is likely to surface pretty rapidly and the second will be resumption of normal travel we used to experience before Covid. Taken together we possibly are looking at a peak which we have never experienced before. The peak will, to my estimates, be significant to disrupt the domestic infrastructure and capacity that India presently has. 

The real question then is that how is the industry and when I say industry, I mean all the aspects i.e., transportation, hospitality, events and services equipped to handle such a surge? I have seen the industry protest on the lack of support the Government of the day has given for it to survive, and it should have been perhaps shriller for nobody thought about them, partly because of industries own lack of unity in raising that demand. However now that there is a probable end in sight, should there be not an individual, collective plan to take advantage of the peak that perhaps will materialise during the winter of 2021 or in early 2022? Whatever has been witnessed is far from adequate as the thought process is not for long term sustenance but rather of a trader looking to encash his lucky streak which can be short lived.

One will not believe there has been a real effort made or possible until we see some of the following actions -

  1. A firm resolve by the travel bodies to come together whether in transportation, hospitality or services to think through what needs to be done and how does one partner with the countrywide or local authorities to achieve maximum success.
  2. Covid protocols will need to stay for a while and their foolproof implementation is our only panacea and despite our cleanliness measures, we are far from adequate requirement or protocol of implementation.
  3. Adequate investment in infrastructure, capacity enhancement and formalised employment protocol are a must have for this industry, specially the last for an industry so dependent on people. We are far short and there is not much progress on this front.

It’s clearly time to change and change for the better. We need to get over the shock of disruption and work towards the peak that awaits us, should we want it! So the question - 'should I look to plan my next travel?' is ideally linked to some of the matters above. But yes being the optimist, I am looking to pack my bags,....hopefully soon!!


Timmy Kandhari

Guest Author The author is Founder & MD, Sapphire professional Services

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