Incredible minds will find a silver lining in the darkest cloud

Be it Corporate Communications, Public Relations (PR) or Marcom, you need to inherently enjoy working in a fast-paced environment with deadlines and surprises. One who looks forward to the thrill of manoeuvring the bends and is spontaneous in both thought and action.

With more than 25 years of work experience in journalism and communications, I can promise you that only those who are genuinely enthused by the idea of a good chase fuelled by high octane positive energy, especially during the lows will emerge as winners. These incredible minds will find a silver lining in the darkest cloud.

It is not easy. More so in the given environment where media has spawned into innumerable formats. PR is immensely demanding and unless one is a natural multi-tasker who has the ability to adjust the sails in a high-pressure environment, it will be very difficult.


For me, ITC is one of the world's best companies. Being at ITC Hotels, I have had the privilege of interacting with some of the best minds in the country. My thoughts are an aggregate of the learnings and discoveries, knowledge and awareness that I have experienced through the years.  Mr Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC has been a huge influence on me. His ability to foresee trends and be future-ready are great qualities that ventilate my mind propelling me to sharpen my focus.

If both your attitude and aptitude are in sync, you will have intense enthusiasm for your work and this will keep you motivated. Professionals who thrive and enjoy working in such a fast-paced environment will love the passion for PR and Communications. And for this reason, it is imperative that each of us has certain ‘go tos’ to back us up.


My initial years in journalism made me realise the significance of research, power of the pen and voice, deadlines and need to stay tuned in with current events. Most importantly, journalism honed my instincts. My academic experience from Journalism Hons at Delhi University to IIMC (Advertising & Journalism) educated me on the black and white while the prism of my work experience made me see the greys and colour.

The long stint in hospitality was indeed an eye-opener as there is no other industry that enables such a close connect with the customer than the hotel space. The role of PR in guest communication at hotels is extremely important. Right from ensuring that they are updated on activities at the hotel to keeping a track of their experience at the property. Guest reviews, after all, are their stories of happiness and sometimes the lack of it. Being proactive gives us the opportunity to enable joyous moments of truth.

Compassion, context, courage, clarity, conviction and speed are qualities that I have always admired. These have helped me tremendously at work. PR and Marcom are all about being proactive and identifying opportunities for the company. Speed. Speed. Speed. I cannot say this in any other way. Social media would not have it any other way; it entered our lives, one leg at a time. Now, it is running a full marathon every day in every direction. For PR professionals, it is making sure all of us work 24x7! This space being dominated more by the visual medium, for instance, Instagram.

The after Covid-19 era will definitely see more conversations around humanity, health and hygiene. Our consumption patterns will change and this will get reflected in our choice for everything that is more local, hyper-local, relevant and "good for us". At ITC Hotels, our leadership pre-empted this almost a decade back with Responsible Luxury.


My professional management style is fairly democratic. I strongly believe in leading by example. It is important to demonstrate and walk the talk. Every person has key strengths. I bring those forward. For me, as a PR Professional, strong tactical experience has lent me a very solid foundation for strategic ideation, another ‘must’ for me is to empower the frontline managers. Mistakes happen. It is okay to falter as it teaches you 'what not to do'. What is mandatory is that we must rise after the fall.

I could not have asked for a better place of work than ITC Hotels. Already acknowledged as one of the best employers, there is so much that I have learnt from my colleagues. There is demonstrated gender equality and I now receive many resumes from our male counterparts who want to make a career in PR! Clearly we have moved the needle!


I have enjoyed my journey at every step and many people have inspired me. Those who I have worked with closely and again, those who I have heard of or have known them through the world. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw demonstrated leadership in a way very few have. What has influenced me most is his courage and conviction. He says, "Professional knowledge and professional competence are a sine qua non of leadership. Unless you know what you are talking about, unless you understand your profession, you can never be a leader. It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision."

Another person who I admire is Rashmi Uday Singh, author of 40 Books, Television Host, Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winner. While she is a trailblazer in the fields of food, vegetarianism and health, what has impressed me most is her Power of Positivity. I have yet to meet a person who is as complete and full of zest and enthusiasm.

My advice? Read a lot, review your own performance and do not hesitate to go back to the drawing board to change your strategy. Stay committed to the honesty of your intent.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go. Stay Authentic!!


Richa Sharma

Guest Author Richa Sharma, General Manager - Corporate Communications, ITC Ltd. - Hotels Division

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