Essential Characteristics of a Successful PR Professional

IN THIS era inclined towards digitisation, Public Relations is among those professions to have undergone major shifts in the recent years. Even if you don’t buy into the idea that online communities and relationships are part of the public relations function, it’s hard to deny the rising importance of blogs, the gradual decline of traditional media and the impact that online conversations can have on brands. In short, there’s a whole new board game to be played.

The world of business is characterised by fierce competition and in order to win new customers and retain the existing ones, organisations have to set themselves apart from the competition. Public Relations is the way organisations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with the aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience.

A PR specialist is usually required to have a relevant type and level of education in communications or journalism. Just education, however, is not enough to become a PR professional and much less to be a pro at it. A PR specialist needs certain skills that are acquired through additional education and training.

To begin with, although content development has taken a broader meaning lately, the foundation of public relation is still heavily reliant on the creative articulation of information. Good communication skills are therefore imperative in PR. With your colleagues and clients asking for anything from finely-crafted press releases to compelling blog posts, you should be able to convey your stories and ideas in the most creative, flawless, succinct and accurate way.

The digital age has placed brands on the edge and under a microscopic lens. Today, every step that involves communication to the community and the media requires careful review and planning. When left unchecked, even a small error can morph into a major PR disaster. Successful PR professionals are those who can pick out the tiny issues and deal with them before they become a problem.

A fruitful career in PR requires that a professional maintains a firm grasp of the product they’re promoting because that is what makes them invaluable to clients, journalists, analysts, and everyone else seeking information. You must stay on top of everything that’s happening, both in and out of their core sector. Successful PR professionals know how to harness information from the news and current affairs and use it to craft ideas that keep them and their clients fresh and updated.

It’s difficult to cope up with a career that demands as much flexibility as public relations. Clients change their plans without notice and situations arise out of the blue. To be a PR pro, you need to have the ability to handle whatever comes your way, in the most efficient way possible.

The end goal of public relations is to put a business or an organisation on the right path to success. While getting lost in the social realm of PR is easy, it’s essential not to overlook the role you play in the company’s profitability. Before acting, a PR pro will stop to think whether the desired result has any contribution to the bigger picture -advancing the business.

Relationships are everything in PR. One of the core purposes of the profession is establishing lasting connections with clients and the general public. Success in PR, therefore rests on a professional’s ability to maintain rapport and bridge communication chasms by cultivating quality conversations and nurturing personal relationships.


Silki Sehgal

Guest Author Silki Sehgal is the Vice President – Global Corporate Communications of The Oberoi Group.

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