Community engagement in hospitality: Empowering local economies through sustainable resorts

The Indian hotel market is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by a growing awareness of the importance of responsible travel. As the industry evolves, there is a clear recognition that hospitality businesses can play a transformative role in empowering local economies and fostering sustainable development.

Sustainable resorts are characterised by their commitment to environmental conservation, social responsibility, and economic development. Resorts that are truly reflective of the local destination through its adoption of local design and culture not only provide a unique, educative, and immersive experience for guests but also contribute positively to the communities in which they operate. Using local materials such as naturally available wood and stone to build not only helps reduces carbon footprint and waste material but also helps the resort blend into the natural landscape. These resorts go beyond simply providing accommodation and amenities; they actively engage with the local community to create a positive impact. One of the significant ways in which sustainable resorts can empower local economies is by sourcing goods and services locally. By purchasing locally produced food, beverages, products and services, these resorts support local businesses such as artisans, farmers and village tour guides, creating a ripple effect in the economy. 

Additionally, sustainable resorts often prioritise hiring local staff particularly local women and underrepresented groups, providing employment opportunities and training programs that empower community members and enhance their skills. This not only benefits the individuals who are employed but also contributes to the overall economic growth of the region. By investing in the local workforce, sustainable resorts can help to reduce unemployment and poverty, creating a more resilient and integrated community and foster greater social wellbeing.

Furthermore, sustainable resorts can act as catalysts for community development by supporting local initiatives and projects. Whether it is through supporting education or sports programmes, healthcare facilities or infrastructure projects, these resorts can make a meaningful difference in the lives of the local residents. By working closely with community leaders and organisations, sustainable resorts can identify the most pressing needs of the community and develop targeted solutions that have a lasting impact.

In addition to their economic impact, sustainable resorts also play a crucial role in promoting environmental conservation. These resorts often implement green practices such as water conservation, waste management, and energy efficiency, reducing their environmental footprint and setting an example for other local businesses. By promoting preservation, these resorts can help to protect and promote the natural beauty and resources of the region, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy them.

In conclusion, by embracing responsible and conscious travel, sustainable resorts can have a transformative impact on local economies, creating a virtuous cycle of economic growth and development that benefits both the industry and the communities in which they operate. As the Indian hotel market continues to evolve, adoption of the triple bottom line ethos: People + Planet + Purpose = Profit will help responsible hospitality businesses serve the planet and society at large with a larger sense of purpose. 

AUTHOR BIO: Amruda Nair is Founder and Director, Araiya Hotels & Resorts


Amruda Nair

Guest Author Amruda Nair is Director, Araiya Hotels

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