5 painting styles that are a must for the Hospitality Space

India is a nation known for its traditional and contemporary art forms. Paintings have been and are an integral part of the cultural diversity especially of the art scenario of the nation. Over the years, the interior designing and décor industry has witnessed a surge as people now prefer the alluring aesthetical presentation at their homes or even at the resorts they travel.

However, one of the major dilemmas one faces while re-designing the hotels is to choose the right kind of décor. It is these art pieces that define your identity and create an aura about the arena. It is what represents the individual, the brand, their choices and preferences to the outer world in an artistic manner. 

Painting: The most feasible and budget-friendly way to style your workspace

Painting is one of the most easily accessible, visually appealing art form available at a convenient pricing. Spending money on art especially paintings is an investment for those who value creativity. You can spend as little and as much as per your budget and you will be able to find some magnificent masterpieces that will revamp your space.

We all invest a lot of time, money, and efforts in refurbishing our homes to give them a cozy look and feel. However, over the years people have been focusing on enhancing the aesthetics of their rented spaces/hotels as well. 

Studies have shown and experts across the globe also enlist the fact that having a vibrant living area/space not only uplifts the mood of the visitors but also brings them closer to sanity. It also helps in providing inspiration and acts as a mood elevator.

5 must-have painting styles for your corporate space

Choosing the right art for the hotel space is indeed a major challenge. However, we have shared a concise list with you of the 5 must-have painting styles that will adorn your walls and give them a colorful lining-

* Impressionist paintings

These are traditional art paintings belonging to the 19th century. These are created with short, thick strokes of dark colors on a light background. The artists play with the natural light in such paintings and the interpretation is left on the audience. These are subtle pieces of art and beautify the plain surroundings with their color reflection visuals. While crafting them, close attention is paid to bring about the effects of the shadows when light is reflected on them thus radiating freshness. The best ones in this category are by famous painters like Jean-Louis Forain, Henri Gervex, Walter Sickert, just to name a few. 

* Representational paintings

As the name suggests, they represent and convey a message. Inspired by real-life objects and sources, they exhibit a strong message or a lesson. They are an artistic representation of real life objects. These include nature especially landscapes, figures, animals, humans, still life, historical and mythological, etc. These are simple, easy to recognize, and visually pleasing. Also known as figurative art, they add vibrancy in an elegant manner along with enhancing the aesthetics of the rented space. Claude Monet is one such famous artist in this category of paintings.

* Mural design paintings

These are some of the oldest types of painting existing in the world of art. Also known as cave paintings, they depict the early life of the homo sapiens. They are the right balance of artistic creativity and realism with depth and thinking through. These pieces usually represent human feelings and emotions through brush strokes and paints. Some historical and mythological artworks also fall in this category. Ajanta and Ellora are the best examples of such art in India. Works like Vishnudharmottara, Silpashastra, Manasollasa are other prominent examples. Possessing these pieces in the workplace would depict the fact that the brand is grounded to the roots and values the journey of initiating from the ground level and becoming a brand. 

* Abstract art

Such paintings are inclined towards the artistic and appealing visualization. This is free from style of art and the artists have the liberty to use any color, shape, form, inspiration. The resulting image is however purely based on the personal interpretation of the audience. 

Arthur Dove, Pablo Picasso, and Paul Klee are some of the artists recognized for their abstract art paintings. 

* Faux paintings

These are the enhanced version of modern art. While they appear simple, they are in reality the false artistic representation of the real-life materials and surfaces like wood, marble, etc. by using the paints creatively. They adorn and beautify the appearance of the walls and the vibe of the place. Coming in various finishes and materials, it is the perfect blend of contemporary designing and traditional art. 

Painting: Perfect idea for the beautification of the workspace

We spend a majority of our time in the hotels while travelling. Hence, having a set-up that is warm and cozy is essential. Rejuvenating the rented space/hotels with visually appealing décor has been increasingly on the agenda of the firms now as being our second homeit should be full of positive vibes and energy. The artsy interiors help increase the visitors interest, creates positive vibes, reduces stress, restore mental peace and have therapeutic effects. However, what is often not noticed is that selecting the right art is indeed an art in itself as the décor represents us, our brand image, cultural philosophy, and organizational vision and mission, and the chosen masterpieces should be in sync with the mentioned points.

Narrowing down on the appropriate choice for wall adornment paintings is indeed tough but at the same time is also essential. These 5 paintings are indeed a must-have for refurbishing your Hospitality Business or even when you are decorating it from the scratch!


Punit V. Sood

Guest Author The author is Co-Founder and Director of Karabi Art Community.

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