‘My focus is to drive strategic initiatives to elevate our brand and enhance market share’

Building and nurturing relationships in the hospitality sector is all about genuine connections and clear communication, says Sameer Mehra, Chief Commercial Officer, The MRS Group

Sameer Mehra’s journey in the hospitality industry has been a thrilling ride of growth and discovery, spanning continents from the vibrant markets of Europe to the dynamic landscapes of Asia Pacific. The Chief Commercial Officer of The MRS Group shares that each position allowed him to dive into new cultures and refine his approach to hospitality, pushing him to adapt and innovate continually. “Throughout my career, I’ve tackled various challenges that have deepened my understanding of what it truly takes to deliver exceptional guest experiences. Working in luxury hotels and diverse environments has sharpened both my strategic thinking and operational skills.”

Now, as the CCO at The MRS Group of Hotels, Mehra feels excited to help steer the Group’s vision of redefining hospitality. “The MRS Group’s dedication to celebrating cultural heritage while offering unique guest experiences deeply resonates with me. Alongside a talented team, I am focussed on expanding thoughtfully, choosing locations that not only provide distinct experiences but also capture the true spirit of travel,” he says.

Mehra adds that their goal is to create unforgettable moments for guests, continually pushing the envelope of traditional hospitality and integrating innovative practices. “I look forward to using my past experiences to propel the strategic and commercial goals of our Group to new heights,” he avers.

The MRS Group of Hotels are a medium for sharing love and fascination with distinct landscapes, people and extraordinary stories with the global traveller. Through their hotels, guests engage with distinct worlds in intimate ways — which are believed to set them on some incredible personal journeys across time and space. Their properties include Suryagarh Jaisalmer, Narendra Bhawan Bikaner and Mary Budden Estate in Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand. 

Excerpts from an interview:

What strategies have you implemented to drive revenue growth and increase market share for The MRS Group of Hotels?

As the new CCO, my focus is to drive strategic initiatives that elevate our brand and enhance market share, all while staying true to our ethos of subtle elegance and genuine connection.

Enhanced Guest Personalisation: Leveraging sophisticated data analytics, we fine tune our offerings to meet individual guest preferences, enhancing their overall experience while maintaining the personal touch they value.

Innovative Marketing Techniques: My approach includes deploying innovative marketing strategies that not only highlight the unique characteristics of our properties but also the authentic experiences we offer, appealing to the sensibilities of our discerning clientele

Strategic Partnerships: Forming strategic alliances allows us to extend our reach and enrich the guest experience with exclusive, carefully curated services.

Subtle Technological Integration: Consistent with our philosophy, we integrate technology not as a showpiece but as a quiet enhancer of our operations and guest services. Like a discreet butler, our technology ensures operational excellence and enriches guest interactions without ever overpowering the personal, human touch that defines us.

These initiatives are crafted to not only boost our revenue and market presence but also to reinforce The MRS Group of Hotels as a leader in delivering exceptional, personalised hospitality experiences.

How do you approach building and maintaining relationships with key partners and clients in the hospitality sector?

Building and nurturing relationships in the hospitality sector is all about genuine connections and clear communication. We start by really understanding what our partners and clients need - what they're aiming for and what challenges they face. This helps us tailor our services to fit them perfectly, like a key to a lock.

We keep the lines of communication open and frequent, treating every interaction as an opportunity to strengthen our bond. Personalisation is at the heart of what we do; it's about ensuring each partner feels special and well-understood.

Consistency is crucial. We make sure our services not only meet but exceed expectations consistently. This builds trust and loyalty, which are the foundation of any long-term relationship. We also stay active in industry events and make it a point to seek feedback regularly. This keeps us connected and adaptable to our partners’ evolving needs.

Plus, we love to go the extra mile - whether that’s offering exclusive access to local events or additional moments of delight that enhance the overall experience. In essence, our approach is about being there as a dependable, proactive friend, always ready to listen and adapt.

With the increasing competition in the hotel industry, what innovative marketing initiatives have you spearheaded to stay ahead of the curve?

In the bustling world of hospitality, staying ahead of the curve isn't just about being better - it's about being distinctive and more connected to our guests. Our approach to marketing is deeply rooted in innovation and genuine engagement.

Firstly, at MRS Group of Hotels, our sustainability initiatives are not just practices; they are an expression of our love and respect for the diverse landscapes and communities we are part of. Through our marketing efforts, we highlight how each stay contributes to cultural and ecological conservation, and community empowerment. Our guests do not just visit a location; they engage deeply with the world around them, sparking personal journeys that resonate with our commitment to preserving identities and environments without imposing costs.

Personalisation is at the core of our strategy. By harnessing the power of data analytics, we craft content and offers that are not just appealing but are tailored down to the last detail according to the preferences and past behaviour of our guests. This makes every communication not just a message, but a dialogue with our audience.

User-generated content is a vital part of how we tell our story. We believe in "show, don't tell," and there's no better way to showcase the authentic experiences we offer than through the voices of our guests themselves. By encouraging our guests to share their experiences on social media, they become our most credible ambassadors. Their stories and shared moments speak louder than any advertisement, building a community of trust and shared experiences around our brand.

Influencer partnerships also play a pivotal role. By collaborating with KOLs and influencers, we tap into new audiences, gaining credibility and trust through voices that people already know and trust.

Lastly, our thoughtfully designed experience packages truly set us apart. Each package is curated to deliver not just a stay, but a story worth remembering and sharing. Whether it's a culinary journey, a cultural immersion, or a wellness retreat, we provide unique experiences that distinguish us from the competition.

These initiatives are not just tactics but are reflections of our passion for innovation and our commitment to providing authentic experiences that offer genuine cultural immersion, rather than catering to a fleeting fad.

Could you share some insights into the current trends and challenges you see in the hospitality industry, and how The MRS Group of Hotels is adapting to them?

The hospitality landscape is always changing, and here at MRS Group of Hotels, we're excited to keep up and even stay a step ahead. Here’s how we’re embracing the latest trends and tackling challenges:

Shift Towards Experiential Travel We know that today’s traveller looks for more than just a visit - they want to really immerse themselves into local culture. So, we're offering experiences that connect you with local artisans and memorable workshops right at our hotels. It’s about helping you discover and create stories to take back home.

Rise of Sustainability Being environmentally conscious is a part of our DNA. We’re putting in energy-saving lights, adopting water conservation methods, and reducing waste as much as we can. We’re doing our bit to keep our planet green and help you travel sustainably.

Demand for Personalisation We get that each guest is unique, and we love that. By using data to understand your preferences better, we aim to make every aspect of your stay feel like it’s specially tailored just for you. By keeping things simple, personal, and focused on what really matters to our guests, we at MRS Group of Hotels are not just adapting to changes; we’re hoping to make your next stay your best one yet.

As the Chief Commercial Officer, what role do you see technology playing in enhancing the guest experience and streamlining operations at The MRS Group of Hotels?

At MRS Group of Hotels, we embrace a philosophy that prioritises genuine connections and authentic experiences, reflecting an understanding that true elegance is always expressed quietly. In this spirit, our approach to integrating technology is not about making it the centrepiece of the guest experience, but rather about using it judiciously to enhance our service and maintain the serenity and personal touch that our guests cherish.

Subtle Technological Integration Technology in our hotels is like the quiet butler - present and efficient but hardly noticeable. It supports everything from operational efficiency to personalised guest experiences, ensuring that every aspect of our service is seamless but not overtly digital.

Promoting Genuine Interactions We focus on creating environments that encourage personal interactions. By keeping digital interventions to a minimum, we ensure that our staff can provide attentive, bespoke service, allowing technology to facilitate rather than dominate the guest journey.

Enhancing Guest Comfort Discreetly Our use of technology is designed to enhance comfort and security without intruding on the guest's experience. Sophisticated systems manage everything from room preferences to security measures, ensuring a stay that is both comfortable and safe, yet the technology itself remains in the background.

Cultivating Authentic Experiences We believe in creating memorable stays by focusing on the richness of human interaction and the beauty of our surroundings. Our approach is about crafting experiences that resonate on a personal level, supported by technology that enhances rather than overshadows the human element.

What motivates and drives you to excel in your role as Chief Commercial Officer, even during challenging times?

What drives me as Chief Commercial Officer, especially in tough times, feels quite straightforward yet deeply personal.

Love for Hospitality Firstly, my love for hospitality never wanes. The chance to craft experiences that leave our guests with lasting smiles fuels me every day. It’s about making someone’s day, every day.

Striving for the Best I'm also driven by a personal commitment to excellence. Setting the bar high, for myself and my team, means we're always aiming to outdo ourselves, turning great into exceptional.

Growth and Opportunity The thrill of pushing our brand into new territories and watching it grow underpins my role. Whether it’s exploring new markets or innovative marketing, there’s always a new milestone to reach.

Solving Puzzles I enjoy the challenge. When problems arise, I see them as puzzles to be solved with creativity and resilience, which really keeps me on my toes.

Team Spirit I’m big on teamwork. Nothing beats the synergy of working together, drawing on each other’s strengths, and celebrating every win as a team.

Embracing Change Finally, I view change as an opportunity, not a setback. It’s a chance to learn, adapt, and be inventive, which is exciting to me.

These factors don't just keep me going; they make each day meaningful, knowing I'm making a positive impact both within our walls and beyond.

How do you maintain a work-life balance, especially considering the demanding nature of the hospitality industry?

Work-life balance is essential, here are some of the things that I do: 

Prioritisation is Key Each day, I focus on what needs my immediate attention and what can wait. This way, I ensure that my energy is spent on tasks that are truly impactful, making my work hours as productive as possible.

Setting Boundaries I’m strict about when I'm on the clock and when I'm not. This clear separation helps me mindfully engage with work during business hours and fully relax during my downtime, enhancing my focus and overall well-being.

Delegating to Empower I trust my team immensely and delegate tasks effectively. This not only lightens my workload but also empowers my team, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their work.

Communication is Crucial I maintain open lines of communication with my team and partners. This helps manage expectations and ensures we’re all on the same page, which makes everything run smoother.

A Nurtured Self is a Productive Self I make time for the gym daily - it’s non-negotiable. This commitment to fitness helps me clear my mind, boosts my energy levels, and ultimately makes me more productive and fulfilled.

Embracing Flexibility In hospitality, adaptability is a must. I embrace the flexibility needed to balance the peaks and valleys of work demands with personal life, ensuring I can shift gears, when necessary, without losing sight of my own needs.

As a leader in the hospitality industry, what values or principles do you prioritise in both your professional and personal life? 

The values and principles I uphold both in my professional and personal life are not just guidelines; they're the very core of how I navigate the world.

Integrity is the foundation of trust, and in hospitality (much like life), trust is everything. Upholding the highest ethical standards is non-negotiable for me, ensuring transparency and honesty in all interactions.

Excellence Everything I do is driven by a commitment to excellence. Whether it’s service delivery, guest engagement, or personal endeavours, the aim is always to exceed expectations, not just meet them.

Empathy Empathy is a superglue. Understanding and anticipating the needs of others, whether they are guests or team members, allows us to create truly responsive and considerate services and solutions.

Teamwork I deeply believe in the power of collective effort. Collaboration and teamwork are vital for success, creating a supportive environment where ideas can flourish and challenges are met together.

Customer-Centricity Putting our guests at the centre of everything we do ensures that our decisions and innovations truly resonate with those we serve, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.

Innovation I encourage a culture of innovation within my team. Fostering curiosity, experimentation, and continuous improvement helps us stay ahead in a competitive industry and brings fresh, exciting experiences to our guests.

Resilience is about more than endurance - it’s about adapting and thriving. It’s crucial to remain flexible and recover quickly from setbacks, always with an eye on long-term goals and new opportunities.

Balance Lastly, maintaining a balance between professional demands and personal life is key. It ensures sustainability and well-being, allowing us to enjoy our achievements and nurture our relationships outside of work.


Saurabh Tankha

BW Reporters The author is the Editor at BW HOTELIER.

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