Transforming CX for hospitality

We are all aware of the changing relationship customers are experiencing with brands and technologies and that technology is empowering customers to seek innovation. This is the reason why visionary firms are investing in tech that are high CX performers. Adoption is driven by the need to accommodate changing customer preferences that lead to real CX benefits and improved performance across CX metrics. 

The landscape in which customers today engage and transact has been transformed into an overwhelming digital and mobile-first environment where UX is king. At the same time, emerging technologies like AI, AR/VR, voice-assistants, smart devices and iOT (Internet of Things) are maturing rapidly and creating opportunities in ways where customer relationships are differentiated. The adoption of these new emerging technologies has created more smart hoteliers who are continuously in the process of integrating data science and analytics to create different CX levels of delight. 

The travel and hospitality industry is adopting modern technology with intelligence-based predictive analytics along with the highest degree of AI and ML to enhance customer journey and user experience, increase retention, increase spend per customer and, in turn, increase market share which is the ultimate business goal. 

Machine learning and automation

Amazon is a company committed to Machine Learning, both in facilities and operations. Its founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos attributes their competitive dominance and financial growth to Machine Learning. Similarly, in the service industry, it is not just a matter of gaining competitive advantage, it is also about substantially transforming the way one does business. We are looking at empowering guests with robotic housekeepers and facial recognition kiosks. The future of sustainability lies on Machine Learning to conserve every bit of energy usage and optimise the budgets. An automated system can predict water, energy wastage and costs. This can help draw up savings per dollar that can positively impact the bottom-line. During the process of hiring, it can help find the right candidate that would best fit and align with the brand’s personality using cognitive, emotional, personality assessments. Hotel chains have used Machine Learning to offer personalised upgrades to guests on the basis previous behaviour and ‘willing to pay’ price points at the time of booking or pre-arrival period. 

Internet of Things (IoT)

The wellness category has seen a surge with the advent of IoT. Everyone has wearable devices measuring their body temperatures, energy levels, sleep patterns, cardio activities etc. With data mechanism, hotels can create opportunities to extend guest-friendly solutions – matching food preferences, recommending music, suggesting books, helping them set alarms, booking a cab to the airport etc. Through interconnected devices and sensors, the hotel’s operating system can empower guests with highly customised services. 

Smart Event Diagramming 

To drive volume through MICE, event planners can use intuitive tools like “event diagramming’ which is 3D renditions of event spaces that can be created on Cloud between the hotel team, the event planner and the client. It offers the option to template the layouts, create virtual walkthroughs, customise menu based on themes, create breakout plans etc, all through hybrid meetings across the globe. 

Voice-enabled Virtual Assistants 

Voice technology linked to virtual assistants will lead to smarter services and fewer staff interactions. Check-in and check-out via mobile, virtual keys, apps to control lights, intensity, smart TV and alarms.  Voice assistants can help go the extra mile with recommendations for “things to-do” at the hotel, special nearby attractions etc. Some hotels like Wynn Las Vegas have already begun to equip their rooms with smart devices that have voice recognition while others follow suit. 

Right balance between in-person and tech-enabled services 

The personal touch by our frontline workers can never be replicated by Machine Learning and no robotic AI cyborg can equate the charm of a human smile. So how do we ensure that a balance is created between the ‘soon to be indispensable’ AI and ML in operations and the bedrock of hospitality – ‘being humane’ in functioning. The answer is to find need-based areas where technological intervention can help make the CX and UX seamless while maintaining the inimitable passion of workforce at the shop floor particularly in our restaurants, studios and convention spaces. 

The fundamental redefinition of exceptional customer experiences will only be evident when we adopt the fusion of IoT, AI and Machine Learning. Finding the right technology partner to identify needs gaps in systems and processes will be most imperative to achieve cost efficiencies whilst increasing brand recognition and foreseeing tangible revenue gains. 


Nikita Das

Guest Author The author is Area Director of Marketing at Hyatt Hotels.

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