Rise of spiritual tourism in India

While spiritual destinations have always been popular among the older generation, many young working professionals are now going for spiritual travel. In the post-pandemic era, people have realised the importance of practicing mindfulness, yoga, meditation and self-care. Recharging their minds spiritually helps them cope with the negativity in personal lives and across the world (eg Covid19). A primary reason why millennials and young adults are showing high interest in popular religious and spiritual destinations as opposed to other travel destinations is due to the increase in stress levels. 

A positive outcome in the post-pandemic era is the increase in conversations about mental health. As people find stress and anxiety levels increasing for various reasons, they are taking actionable measures to combat the same. Mental health and physical wellbeing are being talked about with increased weightage in urban India. Many people go on short spiritual retreats to regain their connection with Nature and align the body, mind and soul together for inner peace. Such journeys and retreats help provide perspective and help them gain holistic understanding of their own lives. Another trend related to spiritual tourism in India is the onset of destination weddings at spiritual locations. 

Since the bond of holy matrimony is in itself divine, the added charm of tradition and spirituality in the destination is something that complements the D-Day experience. After all, what better than unifying the ‘Made in Heaven’ matches on earth at a divine and a serene destination? At our properties in Shirdi and Tirupati, we have seen demand grow for wedding packages. 

As the post-pandemic boom helps domestic tourism gain momentum, spiritual and religious destinations are likely to attract a huge number of tourists and devotees. Small businesses are flourishing than before in such destinations and this could be a game-changer in the trends of tourism in India. With schemes like PRASAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive) and various initiatives by the Ministry of Tourism, it is evident that the Government is keen on making India a spiritual hub for the world. Budget allocation for spiritual tourism is a green flag from Government of India to develop this sector furthermore. People from all over the world travel to India to find peace and solace at these destinations. 

From the divine vibrations of Shirdi, famous for the abode of Sai Baba to the holy city of Tirupati, dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara, India is speckled with spiritually magnetic places. It is truly remarkable to witness the shift in perspective that has taken place in the travel industry with regards to spiritual and religious destinations. A lot of tourists can now find luxury, comfort and experience divinity in the holy shrines because of good hotel chains that provide unmatched services to create memorable experiences for tourists. 

If you want to rejuvenate your mind, embarking on the road less travelled can be the best thing to do. Truly, spiritual travel can open the doors of opportunity and help you find calm and solace that is much needed amid the hustle-bustle of the city life.  

Author Bio: Vishal Lonkar is General Manager, Business Development, Renest Hotels and Resorts


Vishal Lonkar

Guest Author Vishal Lenkar is General Manager, Business Development, Renest and Resorts

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