Let's Consolidate and Grow Through the Journey of Business and Life

THESE ARE challenging and momentous times, not just for the hospitality industry but for all service industries. Media organisations too throughout the world are facing even greater disruptions. 

Growth in such volatile environments is not merely a goal; often it is necessary to be open to learning new lessons. The need therefore is to ‘grow through the cycle of business and life’ and not go through its motions.  

The challenge for the hospitality industry, and any other industry, is to manoeuvre and manage through these challenging times. We need to develop the ability to transform these challenges into opportunities.  

Yes, we have to benchmark ourselves with the best in class and best in the world; but at the same time be conscious of the world we are functioning in.  As hotel chains, we can no longer be focused on financial bottom lines. We have to look beyond our quarterly and yearly results and see how much we have been able to contribute, in tangible and sustainable ways, to the environment and the communities we function it.

I am NOT doing lip-service to these big words: I am emphasizing on real, key developmental indicators which include employment, health, nutrition and education. 

Our service has to go beyond the boundaries of our hotels and resorts into the real world! 

I agree the information technology has been a big disruptor and a continuing challenge for the travel and tourism industry as a whole. But IT is a vehicle, a facilitator, an enabler. Let’s develop a positive mindset and utilize IT for what it’s worth. I am proud to say that the HRH Group of Hotels has been at the forefront of developing its own IT Cell since the late 1990's and made major investments in computerization through the decades. 

No brand, Indian or global, can remain complacent today. If there is complacency, then you are on a sinking ground. That is why I emphasize it is the 'human factor', the person who is more important than the machine. 

We have to be mission-inspired to provide motivation and encouragement for the entire organisation to keep on doing their best and keep on surpassing guest expectations. That's the key to solid performance. I am not unnerved by IT disruption; I am more concerned when I see a de-motivated staff-member or a listless manager. 

Smart technologies have become the buzzword of our times. Let's be clear that people have to be smarter than the technologies they are using. If technology is your master, then you have reduced yourself to becoming a robot, a slave. 

I want to build HRH Group of Hotels harnessing the finest elements of our heritage hospitality and provide the best platforms to function in this service industry. That is my goal and I hope in the months and years ahead I am able to keep walking along this road to excellence with my professional teams. 

The years ahead will be full of unforeseen challenges we can sure of that. That should not unsettle us or make us afraid of the future. Let us consolidate, build on our strengths and keep on learning more as the years roll by. 

Greater minds than mine have said it: The future is no more uncertain than the present. So, let’s get on with our work, with a big grin!


Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar

Guest Author Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar of Udaipur, Executive Director, HRH Group of Hotels, Udaipur

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