Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Gets Prize for Waste Segregation

THE LEELA Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi has been honoured by New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) who name them the ‘Best Hotel in Waste Segregation in East Delhi’. The award was presented to Jaideep Anand, the General Manager of the hotel by M. Venkaiah Naidu, Union Minister for Urban Development, Government of India at a ceremony at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi, recently.

Anand told BW Hotelier that, The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel follows a policy laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of India for Solid Waste Management.  A three-colour bin system is used to segregate biodegradable, recyclable and non- recyclable waste items, he added.

The hotel conducts a special weekly training session to educate its staff and members on how to segregate the waste from the bin. Explaining about the process of waste segregation, Anand said, “We have a three-chamber system for the garbage room where in we separate biodegradable, recyclable and non-recyclable waste items. The hotel collects the waste from kitchens, guestrooms, offices and other public areas and then separates it in three colour coded bins.”

“Our hygiene manger and senior management of the hotel conduct weekly audits by physically examining garbage. We train our team members with specific garbage at the hotel and also conduct mystery audits on their disposal methodology” he added.

“The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel’s activities are in adherence with the new solid waste management rules, 2016. The hotel does not dispose its waste in open land instead it goes through a secure channel of segregation that has little to no impact in terms of pollution in any form.” Anand said.

On emphasising the importance of waste management and responsible waste disposing, Suresh Ankam, Chief Engineer at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi said, “The waste collected in the green bins is processed using the composting machine and utilised as manure used for in house gardening purposes.”

According to Ankam, the hotel generates approximately 350-400 kg of biodegradable waste and 200-500 Kg of recyclable and/or non-recyclable waste.

“Each and every item that is recyclable is recycled and therefore, there is not much left that could lead to pollution. All biodegradable waste is also converted in to manure and is used for increasing the green cover in and around the hotel premises.” Ankam told BW Hotelier.

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