Jetwing Kandy Gallery wins Gold at Presidential Environment Awards 2024

This recognition adds to Jetwing's impressive record at the Presidential Environment Awards.

As a family owned brand with over half-a-century in the tourism industry, Jetwing Hotels continues to advocate for sustainability and responsible tourism. And now, Jetwing Kandy Gallery, part of the Jetwing Hotels group, has been honoured with the sole gold award in the hospitality category at the Presidential Environment Awards 2024. This accolade, organised annually by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) under the Ministry of Environment, recognises exemplary environmental practices across various sectors. The awards celebrate the achievements in green management, sustainability reporting, pollution control, waste management and carbon emissions reduction.

Jetwing Hotels unified sustainability framework allows each property to tailor its practices to six key areas: energy and carbon, water and waste, biodiversity, family, sourcing and production, and community and culture. This approach ensures that environmental initiatives are both location-specific and highly effective.

At Jetwing Kandy Gallery, a solar photovoltaic system that meets over 40 per cent of the hotel's daily electricity needs. Additionally, an onsite effluent treatment plant treats all wastewater generated by the hotel, which is then reused for irrigation, significantly reducing reliance on freshwater resources. The hotel also employs a comprehensive waste management system where food waste is processed in a biogas digester, garden waste is composted, and plastic waste is recycled. The on-site organic garden, irrigated with treated water, supplies fresh herbs and vegetables for the hotel’s kitchen, ensuring sustainable culinary practices.

The Presidential Environment Awards saw over 900 applications rigorously evaluated through desk assessments and on-site visits by a distinguished panel of judges. Jetwing Kandy Gallery emerged as the sole gold awardee in the hospitality sector, a testament to its pioneering sustainability efforts. This recognition joins a legacy of accolades for Jetwing Hotels, including Gold Awards for Jetwing Lagoon and Jetwing Lake, and various other honours across its properties.

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