Cenizaro Hotels launches ‘Pack for Hope’ initiative

This new initiative encourages travellers to allocate a small portion of their luggage to essential items that can be donated to local communities in need

Cenizaro Hotels and Resorts has introduced its latest initiative, ‘Pack for Hope,’ inviting guests to make a meaningful difference while enjoying their vacations. As part of the brand's larger Cenizaro Cares program, this new initiative encourages travellers to allocate a small portion of their luggage to essential items that can be donated to local communities in need. These contributions, ranging from non-perishable food to educational supplies, books, and sports equipment, aim to uplift local children and families, supporting their welfare and education.

The initiative is an integral part of Cenizaro’s commitment to renewing tourism, which focusses on leaving a positive impact on the destinations they operate in. This initiative spans across all Cenizaro properties, including resorts in the Maldives, Zanzibar, Douz, Mauritius, Tunis, and Bintan. Each resort is paired with local schools and orphanages, which will receive the donated items. Books donated by guests will help build libraries, offering access to global ideas, cultures, and stories for students of all ages. In addition to educational materials, contributions such as stationery, sports equipment, non-perishable food, and gently used clothing will benefit the local children directly. Guests can drop off their donations at the resort upon arrival, where they will be distributed to the designated beneficiaries.

“At Cenizaro Hotels and Resorts, we believe that travel can be a force for good. With our ‘Pack for Hope’ programme, we are empowering our guests to make a tangible difference in the lives of our local communities. By bringing essential items with them, our guests become active participants in fostering a more sustainable and compassionate world,” says Alexys Tjhia, Director of Corporate Sustainability, Cenizaro Hotels and Resorts.

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