ITC Grand Central celebrates World Environment Day

Through these efforts, ITC Grand Central continues to lead by example, promoting eco-friendly practices

ITC Grand Central celebrated World Environment Day with a series of impactful activities, underscoring our commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. The day began with employees planting tree saplings in the kitchen garden of IHM Mumbai, a prestigious institute in the hospitality industry known for nurturing future leaders. Our team also visited the recreational grounds of Sparsh Foundation, a public charitable trust, to further contribute to creating green spaces. Reflecting the sentiment of Henry Van Dyke, "He that plants a tree is a servant of God, he provides kindness for many generations, and faces that he has not seen, shall bless him," these efforts symbolize our dedication to future generations.

In addition to tree planting, tulsi saplings were distributed to in-house and walk-in guests in our lobby, promoting green living and personal contributions to the environment. And an informative lobby green corner has been handcrafted highlighting this Year’s World Environment Day theme, Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience." Resource and environmental conservation are at the core of ITC Grand Central’s practices and are embedded in the responsible luxury initiatives of ITC Hotels such a Zero-mile water- inhouse Sunya Aqua Water plant, Radiation harmonising environ chips, root to shoot concepts of sustainable cooking and eco-friendly packaging of gourmet couch packages and much more.

As part of our World Environment Day campaign, we also conducted free PUC checks for all associate and guest vehicles, reinforcing our commitment to reducing emissions and promoting clean air.  To further spread awareness, World Environment Day badges were distributed to guests, employees, and community members, emphasizing the importance of land restoration, stopping desertification, and building drought resilience. 

Sugandha Kaul Batra, L&D Manager, remarked, "This Environment Day has been a special day to reflect on the beauty of nature and embrace planet-positive practices." 

Executive Chef Anshul Dhyani highlighted, “At ITC Hotels and ITC Grand Central, we practice Responsible Luxury initiatives such as Zero Mile Water, recycling and reusing resources, and sustainable cooking concepts like Root to Shoot.”

Chief Engineer Chandran Venkatesan added, “We are proud to be Maharashtra’s first LEED Zero Carbon certified hotel by the U.S. Green Building Council. Our daily practices, including environ chips embedded radiation harmonised spaces, showcase our commitment to a sustainable future.”

Through these efforts, ITC Grand Central continues to lead by example, promoting eco-friendly practices and striving to make a positive impact on our environment every day.

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