Gurbaxish Singh Kohli Re-elected HRAWI President

GURBAXISH SINGH Kohli, Director, Pritam Hotels has been re-elected as the President of the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI) at its 69th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Mumbai. Kohli has been serving in the office as its President for the year 2018–19 and will now continue to serve in the same capacity. He is also the Vice President of the Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI). Sherry Bhatia will serve as the Sr. Vice President along with Pradeep Shetty as the Vice President. 

Nirav Gandhi has been appointed as the Honorary Secretary and Chetan Mehta will act as the Joint Honorary Secretary. Dilip Kothari will continue in the office as the Honorary Treasurer and Aspi Nallaseth as Secretary-General.

“I wish to thank the members for placing their trust in me and re-electing me to the office for a second term and also welcome the newly elected members to the committee. The last year was a challenging phase for the industry with the OTAs and the FSAs infringing on hoteliers’ and restaurateurs’ businesses. With the support of our members and the HRAWI team, we not only were successful in keeping a check on their callous activities but we also brought the entire country together for voicing out against the erring entities. We are determined about pursuing this matter to its equitable and fair conclusion. In the meanwhile, we will continue working inclusively with the Government for creating a favourable environment for the growth of hospitality and tourism in the country,” says Kohli. 

A second-generation hotelier, Kohli is the owner of Dadar’s famous Pritam restaurant, the iconic Pritam da Dhaba and the four-star Hotel Midtown Pritam in the 80s. Self admittedly, a foodie Kohli is a voracious traveller and a vintage cars enthusiast.

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