CGH Earth Wellness offer curative treatments for insomnia and sleep disorders

Sleep deprived India needs to tap into the myriad benefits of Ayurveda and Naturopathy

According to a recent survey by LocalCircle, 55 per cent Indians are getting less than six hours of uninterrupted sleep and 28 per cent respondents to the survey said that their sleep quality has deteriorated post-COVID. Sleep deprivation can cause some severe imbalances in the body resulting in weakness, muscle wasting, irritability and impact cognition and behavioral changes. Sleep is a natural time for the body and mind to rest, reset, detoxify, and rejuvenate. Ayurveda and Naturopathy offer effective and natural solutions to overcoming insomnia and sleep disorders. CGH Earth Experience Wellness centres in Kerala have specific and targeted curative programmes to address these issues.

Sleep is called Nidra, in Ayurveda. Nidra is considered a state in which there is no desire. This is also a natural state that contributes to the ultimate detachment from the consciousness of the person. Doshas play a major role in designing the sleep cycle of an individual. While each dosha has a unique influence on sleep patterns and imbalances, quality sleep is equally important for all of us. In Ayurveda, the sleep imbalances are vata, pitta, and kapha - type each with a distinct character. Ayurveda emphasises that simple adjustments to routine, exercise, diet, and lifestyle habits can have a profound impact on sleep.

Naturopathy recommends that the most important strategy for good sleep is to be regular in your habits. It advises people to go to bed and wake up at more or less the same time every day.  While it is not necessary that everyone should go to bed early and wake up early, one should follow a pattern and ideally go to sleep between 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm and wake up between 5.00 am to 7.00 am. Following a healthy and nutritious naturopathic diet and indulging in naturopathic treatments which assist one to get better quality sleep, like mud applications to the spine, and yogic practices like trataka, dhyana, and acupuncture have been found to be very effective for curing sleep concerns.

CGH-certified Ayurvedic doctors and naturopathy experts bring years of experience and a deep understanding of holistic health at some of the most scenic locations. The centres are located in the heart of Kerala, surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil backwaters, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and healing.

Dr Cijith Sreedhar, Chief Medical Officer at Prakriti Shakti - Clinic of Natural Medicine said, "In today's fast-paced world, quality sleep is often overlooked, leading to a myriad of health issues including stress, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. At Prakriti Shakthi, we understand that sleep is the cornerstone of good health. Our Naturopathy treatments are designed to address the root causes of sleep disturbances, helping you to achieve a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation."

Dr JouharKanhirala, Chief Medical Officer, at CGH Ayurveda Centres at Kalari Kovilakom and Kalari Rasayana, said, “Most of us are aware that the right amount of sleep repairs the body tissues and yet we very often fail to grasp the implication of how much to sleep, when to sleep, how to sleep, what food to eat before sleeping and the related activities such as waking up. Ayurveda helps us look closely at these aspects of sleep in a scientific manner that is again connected to our overall health and suited to our own constitution.”

Sign up for a transformative experience and reap the benefits and the rejuvenating power of restful sleep with CGH Earth Experience Wellness.

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