Boutique accommodation: The new emerging reality

The hospitality industry is no stranger to disruptions. Over the years, it has faced every challenge head-on, be it with the advent of new technology, the rise of aggregators, increased competition in F&B or economic and environmental crisis. Hospitality has only evolved stronger with every unfamiliar context.

Covid-19, however, is unlike anything the world has experienced before. The pandemic has had an over-reaching and unprecedented impact on every aspect of our lives. From daily routine and social interactions to economy and business, everything has turned on its head. One of the hardest-hit segments has been the travel and hospitality industry, and it continues to reel with the impact. Among the many long-term effects of the crisis that have become apparent is the clear shift in lifestyles and consumer-related decision-making. 

Pandemic-led precautions and safety protocols are emerging as the most significant influencers in travel decisions. A strong trend that we see emerging (and staying) is a more hyperlocal travel approach. Travellers are making more discerning choices, preferring drivable destinations closer to home and searching for wide-open spaces sheltered from crowds.

In the world of restrictions and constraints, lockdowns and quarantines, the definition of luxury is changing. Seclusion is the rare treasure that we are craving. More and more people are getting addicted to long-term stays, seeing the opportunity for a parallel (working) life away from the stresses and side-effects of being bound to home turf. Slow and immersive travel affords a deeper appreciation of local culture and communities. Can whirlwind vacations or weekend getaways offer that? Unique and experiential travel will transform from a passing trend to a permanent pattern.

These travel preferences are leading to the revival and rise of the homestay and boutique accommodation segment. Consumer trends during the pandemic have shown that these ‘alternate accommodations’ are fast becoming the ‘preferred accommodations’. Compact-sized boutique properties stand out with privileges like exclusivity, privacy, safety and hygiene. They are also the best bet for an entire family or group of friends looking to move into a comfortable space together for both a short and extended period.

The fast-evolving, post-Covid travel scenario presents unexplored territory for new generation entrepreneurs and second homeowners. Upscale boutique homes will become coveted sanctuaries that give hotel chains a run for their money. These offbeat accommodation options will also play a leading role in promoting sustainable tourism by creating anchors for local communities. Generating employment opportunities, showcasing living traditions and supporting organic livelihood are only a few of the foreseeable impact areas.


Deepika Arora

Guest Author Deepika Arora, Founder, Rosakue Hospitality and Advisor, Dusit International Hotels

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