Balance between sophistication and simplicity contributes to a great experience: Sahil Khan

The first show of the "Design Innovation to Conservation" WeBBlast Series titled Shower with All Senses began with a stellar lineup of panelists. The session for day one was moderated by Siddharth Barua, Country Director – India, WATG London. Participating at the event was Sahil Khan, Senior Director -Design and Technical Services, South Asia, Radisson Hotel Group.  

Answering moderator Siddharth Barua’s question on the priority that the Radisson Hotel group puts forward while designing the bathrooms, whether it is guest experience, aesthetics or sophistication, Sahil said, “As a student of design and now into the role of design management, I always encourage designers to design well and design right, using the correct components and ensuring that they are appropriately located.”

“As far as the question of experience, sophistication and aesthetics are concerned, I believe they all go hand- in-hand. They are all interlinked to one another. Guest experience is of paramount importance which is delivered through pleasant aesthetics and sophisticated choice of materials be it sanitaryware, fittings or selection of wall furnishings. I do think that the layout of the bathroom should be practical and inviting and then come elements like shower and lighting. With just the right amount of lighting at the right places. 

Another question that Barua asked Khan was whether technology and sophistication in the systems are a brilliant solution to make the most difficult bathrooms a delightful experience, he said, “We are living in an age of so much technology wherein so many products are coming in everyday so technology will only help enhance the experience and get it to another level but only as long as we get the basics right.”

“So, to sum up, get the basics right, focus on innovation, have good aesthetics and the use of the right sophistication and lastly use the right amount of technology. So, all these things put together will help enhance the guest experience,” he added. 

Sharing his views on moderator’s question on Radisson’s policy on water conservation and sustainability and how the balance between the two is struck for projects, Khan answered, “We obviously believe in responsible business and the focus moving forward is towards building responsible buildings and the operational practices that are around building these hotels.”

“Our corporate responsible business programme is called ‘Think Planet’ that focuses on minimizing energy and water consumption which at the end of the day amounts to lower carbon footprint. So, we have an internal target to become a zero-carbon footprint company by 2025.”

He also said that the Radisson group is a part of an alliance of leading 14 hotel chains across the world and they have saved eighty thousand one hundred and sixty four cubic metres of grey and black water which is equivalent to 136 swimming pools. Furthermore, he said that the entire water consumption was reduced by 7 per cent.

“We use extreme care in the selection of our washroom fixtures, selection of handheld and overhead showers. We also use low capacity tanks for water conservation and make use of solar panels to generate hot water,” Khan added. 

An audience member, Alwin asked Sahil Khan the question on how the premium brands balance good water experience and water conservation. Responding to the same, Sahil Khan said, “Whether it’s our property in our luxury segment or the mid-market segment, water conservation is of the most important features, but experience is equally important. The good thing today is we have products which are high on good water conservation and don’t dilute the experience. So, there are products which give a pleasant experience and ensure the conservation of natural resources.”


Shreeja Singh

Guest Author The author is an intern with BW Businessworld.

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