MICE Players: We Need to Evolve and Adapt the Technologies

THE MODERATOR for the panel discussion was Ruhail Ameen, Editorial Head, BW Businessworld. The panellists included Arun Kumar Singh, Consultant, Converged Networks, YashNetwroks India, Ashish Kishore, MD, American Express Global Business Travel, Anirban Sengupta, CEO, KWConferences, Manpreet Bindra, Head MICE, FCM Travel Solutions, Vihay Dadich, Managing Director, KEY Disruptors Pvt Ltd, Suyash Gupta, Founder, Transportal.

Opening the discussion, Ruhail Ameen asked the panellists that how technology is being adopted by MICE players in India and how 'event tech' has evolved & adopted.

"Through 'event tech' we can connect instantly, we can monitor each and everything", said Suyash Gupta

Dadhich said that technology is an enabler, it surely reduces man power but no human can be replaced by it.

Manpreet Bindra stressed that MICE has still a long way to go. "We just use technology to a basic standard, a small piece of it", he added.

"Pace with technology is moving, we need to do lot but we are slow to adapt the change, over all industry phenomena", said Anirban Sengupta

Moving forward, Mr Amin asked the panellists that how can we bridge the gap of human connect with technology to cater the consumers.

Suyash Gupta said that they use humanized bots to chat with the customers and when there is attention required, a pop-up comes and they attend it to provide the solution.

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