‘Domestic Tourists are the Backbone of Indian Tourism’

THE REGIONAL edition of the International Women Economic Forum (WEF) 2017, was hosted by Vivanta by Taj, Dwarka from September 12 to 13, 2017. The event brought together women leaders and achievers from all walks of life under the same roof. Discussions revolved around the theme ‘Innovating for Wealth & Wellness-at personal and national level’. Over 300 leaders and entrepreneurs from across India came together to share their expertise in over 50 workshops and sessions.

From the point of view of hospitality and tourism, the WEF featured a session on, ‘Innovations in Travel, Tourism, Hospitality and Responsible Consumerism,’ which was moderated by Subhas Goyal, Chairman, STIC Travel Group in conversation with Monica Suri, General Manager, Jaipur Marriott; Malvinder Singh Rikhy, Co-founder & CEO Corpmatic; PP Khanna, Director, Diplomatic Travel Point; Captain Swadesh Kumar, Adviser & Founder President of Adventure Tour Operators Association of India. Suri, the only woman on the panel, said that being a leader is equivalent to being a truck driver. “When you are a truck driver you are controlling the whole truck and every member of the truck obeys you, therefore you have the ability of leadership,” she said.

Speaking about her journey in hospitality after a gap of six years, Suri felt that she hadn’t lost much ”as a women before getting in to anything else, we need to identify and realize that each one of us have that power and innovative inner voice which we refuse to identify,’ said Suri.

P.P. Khanna, President, ADTOI (Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India) spoke about the importance of domestic tourism in India, “For the last two decades innovation in travel tourism has been focused but given second or third priority. Now the government is more active in promoting travel and tourism,” He said.

“Domestic tourism is the backbone of Indian tourism and today it is more than our population, hence we need to bring more domestic tourism to India,” he added.

Khanna also said that we as a country, have to compete with the world and deal with the problems such as women safety. “Our association with women empowerment committee have done two to three shows on this issue and has also arranged special trips only for ladies,” he added.

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