We have to learn to co-exist with Coronavirus for next 24 months: Nakul Anand

In a time where uncertainty prevails, and the hospitality sector is impacted heavily, imagining a bright hopeful future for travel and tourism is not easy. Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC Limited and Chairman, FAITH illustrated a world of 'touch less service', which helped rekindle hope in this sector, "as despite practicing distancing, smiles can be transferred to peoples faces by actions as simple as the namaste," he said. 

He further pointed out that the very fact that the Indian Travel and Tourism Industry may face a loss of INR 5-10 Lakh Crore, is not music to one's ears, and therefore, growing out the impact of this virus may be harder than otherwise, especially, when a vaccine is anticipated not by September, but in the next 24 months. Therefore, it is imperative that people don’t work towards containing the virus, but learn how to coexist with it. Despite the hurdles faced by the hospitality industry, Nakul Anand is of the belief, that this event will reshape and redesign the very structure and foundation of the hotels. 

Talking about changes in housekeeping at the BW HOTELIER Breaking The Pandemic 'Getting Indian Hospitality Back... Hear The Leaders' webinar, he mentioned that from now on hotels would have thermal scanners, electronic sprayers, innovation in technological platforms and several forms of purification and sanitization. “This change, will come alongside ‘contactless service’, as people will be of the belief that sanitization is the new security, and safety is of prime importance Cleanliness would be the new amenity, and its incorporation in this sector is imperative," he stated. 

Anand believes that social distancing may not be the answer, however people should learn to practice safe distancing. In addition to that, he several times placed emphasis on how the key to future success is all about redesigning services and experiences. This highlights how this virus has forced people to reflect and adjust to these changing times.

The hospitality industry stalwart also talked about a three step approach, which is 'survival', 'revival', and 'thriving'. He further highlighted that in the future one would need validation of having been vaccinated against the coronavirus. In conclusion, he mentioned, “COVID has taught us that nature doesn’t recognise the artificial borders that human beings recognise”. Going forward, health, hygiene, safety, distancing, disinfecting, and sustainability will be the key aspects the industry will focus on.


Kavya Shah

Guest Author The author is an intern with BW Businessworld

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