Design can play a great part in maintenance: Rahul Kadari

At the BW HOTELIER - Axor Hansgrohe "Design Innovation to Conservation" WeBBlast Series, Rahul Kadri, expressed his thoughts on new trends that can be adapted by the hospitality industry to give guests an experience they deserve. He mentions that human beings crave to be closer to the nature and the industry is moving towards ‘bio-feel’ touch and thus bringing glass to the bathroom space is a major thing that has happened.

He explains, “Using devices like that where you don’t have to necessarily give more space but you can be lighter in touch where things can disappear in a sense, where you are not closing thing up, you are giving a much bigger sense of space is what needs to happen more and will happen more. We are going to come to a time where we will be able to have a multi-faceted space by the window even in a business hotel. These kinds of innovations will go to bathroom space and open it up completely.”

Kadari further talks about sustainable toilets, he said that fittings have evolved quite a lot to be able to provide balance between experience and conserving water. He lists maintenance and self-cleaning surfaces as other areas where the industry needs to focus on. He commented, “In a bathroom, one area that is neglected is maintenance and design can play a great part in that and selection of materials if it is easy to clean then the amount of water and chemicals used in cleaning will be less. I’d like to see self-cleaning surfaces.”

On the concluding note, he mentioned that manufacturers and designers need to put much greater thought at how they are saving materials and what techniques they are using and not only about how to make products last much longer.

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